Search results for apachesolr_search/data security

440 Results

ADM-NL-20210819-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters August 20, 2021   The State of Ad Filtering in 2021 The surge in digital media consumption continues. Ad spend is flowing freely beside the traffic stream. Unfortunately, to the dismay of publishers and advertisers alike, ad block usage is on the rise. But ad blockers are becoming ad filterers…

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What Is SWAN?

You may have heard of SWAN in Google's Privacy Sandbox, but this SWAN is a community-operated and open source replacement for many use cases supported by third-party cookies. Compared to Google’s Privacy Sandbox offerings, SWAN (Secure Web Addressability Network) provides a legally compliant solution that will improve people’s privacy. No…

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ADM-NL-20210812-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters August 12, 2021   The Power of First-Party Data Beyond Direct Segment Monetization: A Conversation With Fandom's Mike Racic We spoke with Mike Racic, Global Head of Programmatic and Data, Fandom, about the importance of turning users into consumers or fans, working with the right partners on robust identity…

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ADM-NL-20210806-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters August 6, 2021   How Publishers Can Become Masters of Their First-Party Data Without a cookie reprieve, digital advertising and media monetization will most likely rely on a number of alternatives going forward, and first-party data, in particular, will be key to any future strategies. Harnessing first-party data at…

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How Publishers Can Become Masters of Their First-Party Data

Without a cookie reprieve, digital advertising and media monetization will most likely rely on a number of alternatives going forward, and first-party data, in particular, will be key to any future strategies. Harnessing first-party data at scale will ensure marketers can keep delivering relevant and engaging ads across the web…

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Surviving in a Complicated Digital Media and Ad Tech Ecosystem

Digital media and advertising is rapidly changing. To survive in this increasingly complicated environment, publishers and advertisers need innovative strategies and technologies to increase their efficiency (and keep revenues afloat) as they look to continue connecting with audiences and also proving the value of those relationships.

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