Search results for apachesolr_search/data security

440 Results

Where Will Ad Tech Be 5 Years From Now?

At an AdMonsters PubForum in 2022, we asked about 10 groups of ad ops and rev ops professionals to put their best predictive analytical skills to work to identify which trends ad tech can look forward to five years from now. Here's what four of the groups came up with.

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What Are Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)?

Two seconds — this is the average attention span of visitors on a web page, and if the page doesn’t load within this time, readers start bouncing off. Increased page load time will turn into an increased bounce rate and decreased ad revenue, which is bad news for publishers. To tackle…

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What Is Decoder and Why Are These the 6 Best of 2022?

In 2022, we covered topics ranging the spectrum of privacy regulations, retail media networks and the most efficient ways to create unique identifiers for consumers. Let’s look back on the hot topics and the most Googled terms that kept the industry buzzing this year. 

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Webinar Replay: 2023 Malvertising Preview

Thanks to the due diligence of ad quality vendors, there are tools in place to ward off malvertising and bad actors. For example, forced redirects have decreased due to iframe sandboxing, more vendor adoption and better threat sharing. However, that did not hinder bad actors from evolving new practices to…

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