Search results for apachesolr_search/case study

519 Results

CCPA: Costly Confusion for Publishers and Advertisers—A Conversation With David J. Moore, CEO, BritePool

Now that California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra has released a draft of rules to guide companies on California Consumer Privacy Act compliance and the state’s Governor Gavin Newsom has signed seven amendments providing more clarity and lessening some short-term pains around CCPA compliance, word on the street is that initial compliance…

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7 Best Practices for Better Mobile Ads

Increasingly, mobile isn’t just consumers’ first choice for media, but their only choice. Consider that 61% of Gen Z consumers believe watching videos on a phone is “as good as watching TV.” And, according to recent research from Zenith, consumers are expected to increase their mobile internet usage to 930…

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Webinar Replay: Easy-to-Implement Automation

Automation can be as easy as 1, 2, 3… Whether they involve campaign setup, creative management, or reporting and reconciliation, manual and mundane tasks siphon away enthusiasm from your ad operations team. Worse, they distract your best producers from initiatives like customer success that truly move the needle. Integrating more…

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AdMonsters Meetup: What’s UX Got to do With it?

6:00 pm — 8:30 pm New York Times 620 8th Ave, 15th Floor (entrance on 40th Street) New York, NY 10018 (Photo ID required) Enjoy a night of beverages, hors d’oeuvres, and networking with your local publisher and agency peers, as well as an insightful discussion about the importance of…

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Jeremy Lockhorn: Advertising From i-Frontier to His Own Frontier

“You can’t deny the impact of disruptive technologies in the advertising landscape,” says Jeremy Lockhorn, former Mobile Lead at Razorfish. “The Internet, the smart phone, social media, AR/VR/MR, artificial intelligence, and soon 5G. Each of these new technologies (among others) has fundamentally changed consumer behavior and offered an entirely new…

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Yes, Virginia: Blockchain Can Scale

I'm used to the eye rolls whenever I ask ad tech veterans their feelings on the potential of blockchain. I'll be the first to admit the term is sullied following an audacious hype cycle (even for ad tech!) and some scam-tastic initial coin offerings (ICOs). But the technology does seem…

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