Search results for apachesolr_search/case study

519 Results

The State of Ad Filtering in 2021

The surge in digital media consumption continues. Ad spend is flowing freely beside the traffic stream. But unfortunately, to the dismay of publishers and advertisers alike, ad block usage is on the rise. But ad blockers are becoming ad filterers — the 95% of all ad-blocking users who have an ad…

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Does Ad Targeting Really Work?

  Powered by: July 20, 2021 Targeted Ads Miss the Mark Global Privacy Control Must Be Honored By All How Has Ad Blocking Changed Since 2017? Big Brands Acquiring Ad Tech at Lightning Speed Around the Water Cooler Research Finds Targeted Ads Miss the Mark Photo by Ricardo Arce on…

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ADM-NL-20210715-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters July 15, 2021   What Are Publisher Cohorts? The upcoming loss of third-party identifiers within Chrome, and the changes that Apple has already made in that space, means that first-party data is in a strong position. Losing cross-domain identifiers only strengthens publishers’ first-party data, as a viable option for advertisers…

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FLoC Trial Ends, None the Wiser

  Powered by: July 13, 2021 FLoC Trial Ends, Results Go Private USA Today Launches Regwall, But For Who? How Different Generations Approach Ad Blocking Biden to Big Tech: Bye, Bye, Bye Around the Water Cooler FLoC Testing Concludes, Results To Be Unknown Image sourced from Chrome Origin Trials The…

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What Lies Ahead for Marketers and Publishers Sans Cookies?

Lotame released the findings of “Beyond the Cookie: The Future of Advertising for Marketers & Publishers,” during a recent webinar with AdMonsters. The results: Three in five agreed that people-based identity solutions are necessary. The same respondents emphasized the need for interoperability.

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ADM-NL-20210603-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters June 3, 2021   Many Brands, One Platform: How Penske Media Corp Drives Revenue & Scale with a Centralized Ad Stack What’s the secret to keeping the impressions flowing smoothly (without driving everyone insane)? A centralized revenue technology stack that encompasses everything from yield optimization, to forecasting, to site performance…

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