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2902 Results

Display is back, but is the impression dead?

I’m back in San Francisco for a few days in between the IAB Annual Leadership Meeting (IABALM) and AdMonsters Publisher Forum XIV in Memphis. IABALM is a sea of C-level execs from “all” the top media and technology companies and I ran into a ton of old friends as well…

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Joe Luna of Fox News Digital on Video Advertising

Joe Luna is Manager of Yield and Inventory at Fox News Digital. He works closely with sales, production, and the trafficking groups to identify valuable inventory, set pricing strategies, and help define new ad opportunities. Joe will be presenting “Maximizing Video Revenue” at the AdMonsters Publisher Forum in Memphis. In…

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Anna Murray of tmg-e*media on Business and Technology

Anna Murray will be the keynote speaker for the upcoming AdMonsters Publisher Forum in Memphis. She has more than 20 years of interactive technology and marketing experience and is a nationally recognized expert for her ability to implement technology and Internet strategy. She began her career working for news organizations…

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OpenRTB Mobile – Propelling the Mobile Ad Marketplace Forward

On behalf of all of the founding members, I am thrilled to announce the formation of OpenRTB Mobile, a committee within the OpenRTB consortium dedicated to increasing the adoption of real-time bidding (RTB) in mobile advertising. The committee’s goal is to set standards on non-competitive features and functionality, in order…

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Paul Geller of Grooveshark on Ad Ops and Consumer Privacy

Leading up to our US Publisher Forum in Memphis AdMonsters will be asking some of the speakers a few questions on their respective topics. Paul Geller will be presenting "Privacy, Consumer Protection for Global Ad Ops" at the Publisher Forum. Paul is the Senior Vice President for Information Products at…

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Maximum Scrub Rates are Lazy and Damaging

Anyone in their right mind who reads about, works towards or is rewarded because of the strong growth in online lead generation must surely wonder what loss of rational thought resulted in the commercialisation of "maximum scrub rates". Discuss. So, the first student to complete a BA in “The Beatles”…

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Rethinking Ad Operations For the Future

From Cost Center to Profit CenterFor any company that deals in digital advertising, ad operations is where the rubber meets the road. No matter how great the revenue opportunity, no matter how sweet the deal—no one profits until ops moves the ball over the goal line. And the faster, smarter,…

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Ghost and Post

Imagine walking into a bar, buying a beer, and standing there drinking it. Now imagine that another punter walks into the same bar, buys exactly the same pint of beer, and stands beside you calmly drinking it.  Don't be confused. I am not suggesting they are drinking a "similar" pint.…

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