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2892 Results

Answering Who Owns the Data AI is Trained On?

To say that Reddit's IPO is causing a stir is an understatement. Part of that excitement is due to generative AI. Google and other AI companies are just itching to get their hands on Reddit's vast pool of user-generated content to train its models.

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AdMonsters March 14, 2024   35 Women Leaders in Ad Tech Share Insights for International Women’s Day  The challenges women face in ad tech are universal, transcending specific roles or tenure in the industry. The future of ad tech is intertwined with the pursuit of diversity, as having manifold perspectives…

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SHE Media & Colossus SSP Join Forces to Elevate Diverse Voices

Last month, SHE Media and Colossus SSP announced a partnership that would further both companies’ commitments to serving women and other diverse audiences. According to ComScore Media Metrix, SHE Media reaches over 74 million users per month. The partnership with Colossus SSP will allow Colossus SSP’s advertisers access to this…

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Privacy Sandbox: What’s Wrong With Video?

You all know about the back and forth this past month that started with the extensive report the IAB Tech Lab released criticizing Google’s Privacy Sandbox. Though in all the summaries and hot-takes, video still hasn’t been getting enough attention and it’s an area that needs the most work ahead…

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AdMonsters March 7, 2024   The Dawn of Hedged Gardens: The Evolution of Data Collaboration The concept of 'Hedged Gardens' emerges from the limitations of Walled Gardens. Unlike a walled environment, Hedged Gardens allows for controlled data collaboration between different entities. These environments are meticulously designed with 'hedges' - not…

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Can Privacy and Performance Co-Exist Within the Privacy Sandbox?

The digital advertising landscape is undergoing a monumental shift towards privacy-first practices, underscored by the Privacy Sandbox initiative and the critical findings from the “IAB Tech Lab's Privacy Sandbox: Fit Gap Analysis for Digital Advertising." It paints a picture of an industry at a crossroads, facing the challenge of reimagining…

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