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The True Programmatic Setup: A Talk With Smart AdServer and Genesis Media

Through a piece of Javascript installed in a publisher's content management system, Genesis Media tracks more than 100 signals to evaluate user attention for real-time ad decisioning. Genesis uses that data to customize ad experiences by page, and leverages Smart AdServer piping to match brands to consumers through outstream video formats. We…

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Header Bidding Is a Game Changer for Smaller Publishers

My company, Gladly, has a unique perspective on the ad industry as both an ad network helping publishers monetize their audience, and as a publisher of our own small/medium website, Tab for a Cause, that sees roughly 40 million monthly banner ad impressions. In our experience, small publishers in particular…

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Audience Extension for Publisher Marketing: Know Your Objective

Although audience extension campaigns are really about creating inventory by accessing third-party sites, they tend to have multiple purposes.The advertiser may be trying to reach a highly granular segment with limited on-site presence. The publisher may have limited pre-roll video inventory, so they will hunt down their audiences in third-party streams. The…

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Does Native ‘Perform’? Sharing Metrics Advertisers Understand

As publishers are clamoring for solutions to offer more native ad inventory, their reasoning makes sense, intuitively: Native performs better, because users can consume it seamlessly along with content.But try telling that to advertisers in so many words. Advertisers have long been skeptical about the metrics behind stories of superior…

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Secret Society Debates the Future of Television Advertising

“Programmatic TV is taking longer than we thought,” says Mitch Oscar as he gestures toward a cartoon featuring a group of confused cavemen, a favorite theme of his and probably an apt analogy for most advertising professionals.The jam-packed boardroom in Turner’s offices at the Time Warner building shares a chuckle…

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What’s In Your Header? Server-to-Server as a Latency Cure

You can dance around it, you can equivocate, you can point out there are other factors involved. But when you break it down, you have to concede: Running multiple header bidding partners tends to increase page latency. This is a significant concern for publishers, who find themselves in a position…

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