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MarTech, Big Data and the Publisher Quest for the Holy Grail Dashboard

There are a couple new players in town, quietly but dramatically changing the way the marketing/advertising ecosystem uses big data. Marketing technology and system integrators have been rapidly expanding first-party offline data sets, based on the business intelligence data sets that have powered brands for years.These massive data pools are…

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Stop Buying Video on the Open Exchange: Part I

If you’re a marketer looking to send the right ad to the right person in the right place, programmatically buying online video ads on the open exchange is a monumentally stupid move. If you’re a brand trying to advertise that way, you’re wasting much, if not most, of your ad…

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What Is Server-to-Server?

Before we talk about server-to-server (or S2S, or server-side bidding, or whatever you want to call it), we have to talk about header bidding. Header bidding allows publishers to solicit bids on all their inventory from a select group of demand partners in a unified auction, just by putting the…

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The Buy Side Knows How It Can Improve Ad Experience: New FreeWheel Report

There’s a new report out from FreeWheel called "Advancing the Ad Experience," where the FreeWheel Council for Premium Video and study partner Advertiser Perceptions surveyed brand and agency execs about the ad experience in digital video, and the challenges to it. The report concluded—surprise!—that “the process and responsibility starts with…

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Last Stand for Google’s “Last Look:” What’s Next?

In an end-of-week post, AdExchanger reported this afternoon that Google had abandoned its “last-look” practice in exchange bidding. The old Google last-look advantage allows AdX the chance to outbid whichever demand source would have otherwise won in a programmatic auction, prior to sending a request to Google’s ad server. Famously,…

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The Duopoly Dominates, But For How Long?

The latest eMarketer estimates on US digital advertising are out and, yeah, there’s some stuff to grimace about. The infamous duopoly is expected to rake in more than 50% of US display spend (desktop and mobile) in 2017.According to eMarketer, Facebook will grab 39.1% of the display market in 2017,…

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What Is Blockchain?

Blockchain is commonly referred to as a ledger—a shared, decentralized database, made up of so-called “blocks,” which are just hashed records of transactions. In each block, which is permanent and can’t be altered after it’s logged, you have a timestamp and a link to an earlier block. That gives participants…

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