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ADM-NL-20210513-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters May 13, 2021   Native in Email: Blueprinting the Future for Publishers LiveIntent recently launched Native Ad Blueprints, a solution for publishers to create scalable premium ad experiences in email newsletters, streamline their native ad operations, and better target, optimize and measure their native campaigns. We spoke with Nick…

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Native in Email: Blueprinting the Future for Publishers

LiveIntent recently launched Native Ad Blueprints, a solution for publishers to create scalable premium ad experiences in email newsletters, streamline their native ad operations, and better target, optimize and measure their native campaigns. We spoke with Nick Dujnic, VP, Marketing, LiveIntent to learn more about this new product, as well…

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Minority Report Podcast: AdMonsters’ Tameka Kee Geeks Out on Ad Tech

In this recent episode of Minority Report Podcast, Tameka Kee, Head of Content, AdMonsters, speaks with hosts Kerel Cooper, Chief Marketing Officer, LiveIntent, and  Erik Requidan, Founder & CEO, Tradecraft Advisory about her career journey, which includes Mediapost, Digiday, eMarketer, Rubicon Project, and launching her own business, The In.Fux Lab.…

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ADM-NL-20210507-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters May 7, 2021   Building a Successful Advertising Business from a Subscription-First Model In this keynote video, from Publisher Forum Virtual Spring 2021, Lisa Ryan Howard, SVP, General Manager, Media explains how The Times is focusing on fewer, higher quality ads and using its first-party data to offer targeting based…

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ADM-NL-20210429-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters April 29, 2021   Facebook Ads & iOS 14: How to Overcome Data Loss? If you’ve looked at your Facebook ads data recently, you might be worried about your dwindling conversion insight. Starting with Safari and Mozilla’s default blocking of cross-site tracking since the release of ITP 2.1, continuing…

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Go Big or Go Home: Sports Media Companies Cash In

Maybe it’s the “larger than life”-sized player personalities. Maybe it’s the rabid, easy-to-amass audience segments. Or maybe it’s some marvelous combination of the two — but sports media brands are cashing up and turning pandemic-driven shifts in content consumption into new pathways for revenue generation.

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