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2883 Results

Questions for Matt Barash of Fox Audience Network

Matt Barash, Director of Publisher Development at Fox Audience Network, will be speaking at the US Network Ops Forum in San Francisco on June 17. In advance of his presentation we spoke with him about data and related techonologies.Q: Please give us a little information about your background in the…

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5 Questions for Jennifer Witt of Adconion

Jennifer Witt, Director of North American Ad Operations for Adconion Media Group, will be leading a session at the US Network Operations Forum on third party data providers. In advance of the conference we asked her a few questions about data collection and verification.Q: Please tell us a little bit…

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Key Points for a Successful Ad Server Migration

Editor's Note: As your business evolves and changes so should your revenue and operations tools. You may find it makes sense to upgrade or switch your tools. This will lead to the dreaded ad server migration. Neil Rigby, Head of Operations at Associated Newspapers Ltd. recently compiled some tips on…

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AdMonsters Video: Q and A with Jason Kelly of Time Inc.

AdMonsters was fortunate enough to have Jason Kelly, Vice President of Strategy & Revenue Management at Time Inc. Digital as our keynote speaker at our Publisher Forum in March 2010. His presentation was a big hit with our members - so much so that we asked Jason if he would…

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5 Questions for Chris Jay Hoofnagle

Chris Jay Hoofnagle will be giving the keynote address Networks, Regulation and Privacy: Understanding Where We are Today at the US Network Forum in San Francisco on June 17.We asked him a few questions in advance of his presentation about privacy issues facing the industry today.Q: Can you please give…

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Audience Verification – What’s the Deal?

There has been a lot of buzz lately about ad verification in the digital space.  The media is writing about it, publishers and agencies are arguing about it, clients are asking questions about it, and providers are pushing it.  The IAB even recently hosted a half-day conference to address this…

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iPad and iPhone App Development: Like Pouring Concrete

NPR was one of a few publishers to have a customized iPad application available at the product launch. The iPad app was a result of five weeks of intense development, but also, six months of learning through a successful app on the iPhone platform. Here are some things to consider…

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