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2883 Results

Online Ad Operations: Properly Defined and How to Staff – Part 3

Focus and Clarity Employees perform better with focus. Mixing different job descriptions that might sound like they can co-exist, such as a web producer and a traffic manager in the same role, can create tremendous difficulties that will inevitably result in employee retention challenges and failing campaigns.  I call this…

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3 Things Publishers Need to Know About Rich Media

The world of creative in online advertising is constantly evolving. It seems that every month we’re reading about new types of creative that can be implemented on a publisher’s web site. While many still use plain images to do their advertising (and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that!), we are…

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AdOps: Stop Running From the Ugly Truth

A few weeks ago,, in collaboration with Operative, asked AdMonsters to help reach out to our community of ad ops professionals to complete a survey on the issues facing Ad Operations. Mike Leo and Lorne Brown from Operative presented the results of that survey at DPAC a couple of…

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5 Questions for Ed Montes of Havas Digital

Edward Montes will be presenting a keynote address When will Online Advertising Evolve? at OPS US in New York on September 30, 2010. In advance of the event we talked him a few questions about the evolution of online advertising.Q: Please tell us a bit about what you are doing…

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5 Questions for Sacha Berlik of Mexad

In advance of the EU Network Ops Forum we asked keynote speaker Sacha Berlik of Mexad a few questions about the new data driven marketplace.Q: Can you tell us about Mexad and what role the company has in the industry?SB: Mexad’s core team are made up of Ad Exchange Veterans…

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Insurgent: How to take down Dart and Atlas

Maybe the title of the post is hyperbolic but at least this idea could put a big dent in their agency revenues.Note: these are my thoughts, not necessarily reflected of my employer.We talk about agencies having a digital backbone. Yet, for the most part, the technologies are licensed. For today’s…

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