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2883 Results

OPS After Party

 This event is open to anyone who is registered for OPS and OPS attendees do not need to register separately. If you are not registered for OPS but have received a personal invitation to attend, please use hit 'register for this event' and use the coupon code you were provided.…

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Members Dinner

  Sponsored By:London - 8 Dec 2010 Sponsored by Videoplaza This Dinner is Now Sold Out - Thank You For Your Interest. You may still register for the waiting list should there be any cancellations.OverviewTo provide continuity and foster ongoing relationships among our members between our bi-annual conferences, AdMonsters hosts regular…

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Counting Discrepancies, A Cancer for Online Business

Post provided by Catchpoint Systems.Counting discrepancies in impressions, page-views, and other visitor data impact every online tracking company, publisher, and marketer. The cost of such problems varies and it impacts directly everyone involved. The sooner the problem is found and solved, the better it is for all.Adservers, Ad Networks, Web…

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Publisher Forum

  Memphis, TN March 6-9, 2011 Connect. Share. Innovate. Grow. Breaking News & Updates SOLD OUT AdMonsters XXIV is now sold out. Please register to place your name on the waiting list and we'll notify you if places become available. Keynote announced: Anna Murray, President, tmg-e*media inc.Agenda updated: Full agenda…

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Online Ad Operations: Properly Defined and How to Staff – Part 5

Staffing Models  The following staffing models are rough suggestions, as every publisher's culture and requirement is different. One organization might have many sites each with minimal inventory, another might have a single site with a lot of inventory. An organization may have more focus on e-newsletter advertising, or site advertising,…

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Online Ad Operations: Properly Defined and How to Staff – Part 4

Defining Traffic Managers, Client Services Managers, and Analysts Ad Operations must be clearly defined and communicated to the company, especially to the departments who interact with it. That is: what this staff does in this organization, and what this staff does not do. Otherwise, it is not unusual for Ad…

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Five Places Advertisers should turn “Or” into “And”

Especially in this economy, it’s clear that there are pressures on everyone in the advertising ecosystem to do more with less. This leads to advertisers (or their downstream reps, ad buying agencies) trying to figure how to allocate resources in the most effective way possible.  But some of the thinking…

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5 Questions for Rob Deichert, Jr., The Weather Channel

Rob Deichert Jr., Senior Vice President of Ad Operations at The Weather Channel, will be presenting a Focus Session: Publisher Success Across Multiple Platforms: The Operations Opportunity at OPS in NY on September 30, 2010. In advance of the event we asked him a few questions about multiple delivery platforms…

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