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2883 Results

Digital Ad Operations: The Bigger Picture

Editor's note: The post originally appeared on the UM blog.The world of Digital Ad Operations has changed dramatically over the past year.  It was just over a year ago that we all started using acronyms like DSP, RTB, SSP, and DCO on a regular basis.  In fact, I remember having…

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Snowstorms and Ad Operations, 5 Things in Common

The recent snowstorm up and down the East coast, made us think about how Ad Ops professionals have to balance the periodic crisis and still keep normal business moving. Below is a countdown of 5 things we think Ad Ops projects/emergencies and storms have in common. #5 – Both reminds…

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What OpenRTB Means for Ad Operations

Recently there was an announcement introducing OpenRTB, which is a consortium made up of both demand and supply side providers. The goal of the consortium is to create less friction in an marketplace that is only becoming more and more complex. Part of that initiative includes proposing a set of…

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Challenges Facing Ad Ops Employers

My last AdMonsters blog post was about the key challenges that face ad ops professionals looking progress their careers.It seems appropriate as a follow up to look at this from another angle – what are the challenges that face employers looking to maintain, and grow their ad ops teams?I made…

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OpenRTB Consortium

As much of the industry knows by now, we were honored to announce our participation in the newly formed OpenRTB Consortium earlier this month. With more and more publishers looking to real-time bidding (RTB) as a key source of demand for their inventory, it’s critical to have the right standards…

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Building an Ad Server to Serve Your Application

Last Thursday my talk on Bootstrapping Your AdServer provoked hems and haws at the AdMonsters Network Forum (Dec 9th, 2010) in New York City. My intention was to provide a bit of insight to the challenges that publishers encounter on a regular basis; especially those in the midst of a…

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Ad Ops Data Ninjas

I know! Not all beacons/pixels/cookies (oh my!) are used to bilk dollars from Premium Publishers via an audience driven model. There are analytics tools that can help provide insight into traffic patterns, measurement of user frequency and in the end make a greater and more enjoyable user experience for the…

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AdMonsters Sydney Members Dinner

Editor's note: This post originally appeared on Scott Savage's blog.AdMonsters held their first event in Australia this week, with a members dinner at the Waterfront restaurant in Sydney. The 3 course meal was very generously provided by aiMatch on a perfect summer’s night right next to the harbour.The event was…

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