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2883 Results

MRAID: A New Frontier for In-App Advertising

OMG – Have you been MRAIDed?  Sound scary? It’s not. MRAID represents a new frontier for in-app mobile advertising, especially in-app video ads.  Just want I need: another freakin’ acronym. Yeah, we’re all pretty much acroynm’ed out, but this is less about the acronym and more about what it does for us. MRAID…

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How Quickly Will Online Become the #1 Media Channel in Brazil?

Thanks to an annual growth rate of 3.7%, Brazil’s GDP was $2.52 trillion in 2011, surpassing the United Kingdom as the world’s sixth-largest economy. Of interest to those of us in the online advertising business, ZenithOptimedia reported Brazil had already become the sixth-largest global ad market in 2010, and according…

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Charting the World of Overlapping Video Standards

The first advertising standards, guidelines and best practices for digital video emerged four years ago, which seems like a short time in the grand scheme of history. But technology moves at an accelerated pace, and four years is enough to make anything outdated in the ad technology space. In fact,…

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OPS Mobile

OPS Mobile - Build the Mobile futureMobile is not an extension of the web. It's a redefinition. Learn how advertising will never be the same.The landscape for online advertising is no longer just the 'terrestrial' or PC-based internet – it now includes a much broader and more complex world including smartphones,…

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