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2883 Results

AdMonsters SE Asia Exclusive: Q&A With Chris Leving, Adconion

Chris Levings, Operations Director for Adconion Direct, can see the future – or at least the future of ad networks. Before his presentation at AdMonsters SE Asia, we questioned him on what value networks add.Define an ad network that adds ‘value’?An ad network that adds value brings something unique to…

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Evaluating Campaign Success: New vs. Existing Users

"The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them." – George Bernard Shaw Stand back and look at the advancements in online display ads and it’s…

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Is Two the Simplest Number for Interactive TV?

Interviewing Ernesto Schmitt of Zeebox for the previous Screen Grab, I was struck by what he said about media buying becoming more complicated, because of the need to identify the multiple user journeys on the second screen. What made me pause was not the idea of multiple user journeys themselves,…

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The AdMonsters Daily Digest – Monday 30 July 2012

Welcome to the AdMonsters Daily Digest! We scour the news for digital advertising and operations news every day so you don’t have to – we’re nice like that. 

 We’ll be updating this page throughout the day but have a peruse of all the news you can use (that’s right –…

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AdMonsters Daily Digest – 27 July 2012

AdMonsters News Round-Up – 27 July 2012Welcome to the AdMonsters Daily Digest! We scour the news for digital advertising and operations news every day so you don’t have to – we’re nice like that. 

We’ll be updating this page throughout the day but have a peruse of all the news you…

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A Shorthand Guide to Compliance with the ePrivacy Directive

There is so much noise around the ePrivacy Directive in the marketplace that at times it can feel as though everyone has a different plan for how to come into compliance. In reality, compliance approaches only seem complicated when they are based on short-term improvements that fall short of the…

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