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2887 Results

What’s Ahead for the Header

“I hate the term header bidding,” a friend and industry resource told me over a cold beer. “It’s too catchy—it sounds like another piece of ad-tech buzzword BS.”I’d argue “tagless tech”—the first name I heard in reference to header-based executions—was far worse (and horribly untrue). But my friend’s dislike really…

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AdMonsters PubForum Palm Springs: The Live Blog

AdMonsters new and old have assembled for another heady three and a half days of ops education and commiseration at the 41st Publisher Forum. This time, we're in Palm Springs, CA, in palm tree-studded valley surrounded by beautiful but forbidding mountain ranges. In other words, it's a lot like ops,…

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What Is Header Bidding?

Header bidding is a way for publishers to solicit real-time bids from a multitude of programmatic partners on each and every piece of inventory by using the page header within a site's source code. Basically, it’s a convoluted way to bypass the ad server waterfall and ensure inventory is valued…

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What Is the Waterfall?

You may hear a lot these days (particularly on a header-cheerleading site like this one) about the ad-server waterfall being vanquished like some fairy-tale villain. Well, it’s not entirely gone, and similar to many foes in children’s stories, it wasn’t always such a bad thing—it was simply exploited. In the…

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OpsX Los Angeles

Feb. 23, 2017 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM PTEdmunds' Offices in Santa MonicaOpsX events are the ideal environment for ad industry peers to learn, share, and connect.Sponsored by Sovrn

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What Is Yield Management?

Yield management is a slippery topic to explain, and even more complicated in practice. Rather than explain how it works, it’s probably more helpful to explain what it does. Well… what it’s supposed to do, in theory. First, the problem that yield management aims to solve for publishers: The total…

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AdMonsters Publisher Forum – Palm Springs, CA

No other conference comes close to offering the community, exchange of ideas and learning opportunities of the AdMonsters Publisher Forum [drop the mic]. Connect with your peers to advance the digital media industry. Delve into the latest topics focused on maximizing revenue. Experience a unique event with an agenda you…

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