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Death of Flash #opspov

Adobe Sets a 2020 Expiration Date for Flash: Now What?

This morning, Adobe announced it would cease development of Flash Player by the end of 2020, along with its roadmap for killing it off with minimal disruptions to user experience. It’s almost surprising to finally hear it from Adobe—much of the digital world has been bracing for a Flashless world…

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Could Chatbots Kill the Search Advertising Star?

I can’t say I was surprised by findings from research firm L2 Marketing that Amazon’s virtual assistant Alexa is more likely to push Amazon Prime products on users seeking a variety of wares. There’s nothing scandalous in that—if I had an Alexa, I’d probably want it to look for Prime…

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Understanding AI’s Potential in Digital Media

Science fiction turns fact—the term artificial intelligence seems ubiquitous at the moment, whether it’s marketing technology firms boasting about superior processing power for campaign personalization or the coming singularity and robot apocalypse.Those of us in the trenches of the digital advertising world have become immune to the lure of buzzwords,…

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What Is Viewability?

Viewability has been one of the more contentious issues in digital advertising for several years, in spite of the fact that MS Word apparently doesn’t recognize it as a properly spelled word. That’s appropriate, in a way. Media types have found the viewability issue maddening, and most laypersons would never…

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When the Rosé’s Over: Thoughts on Cannes

No, I didn't go to Cannes last week. Did I want to? Honestly, yachts and rosé have never been my thing (Cheap beer in a dirty rock club? Now you're talking my language), and the gladhanding awards bit makes me roll my eyes just thinking about it. Cannes used to…

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What Are Better Ads Standards?

Better Ads Standards are an initiative for promoting “acceptable” ad experiences for users, while discouraging disruptive ads. The overall goal, as stated, has been to keep the spread of ad blocking tools at bay, by assuring the ads in the ecosystem are not so annoying they drive users to start…

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Publisher Forum – Montreal, QC

No other conference comes close to offering the community, exchange of ideas and learning opportunities of the AdMonsters Publisher Forum [drop the mic]. Connect with your peers to advance the digital media industry. Delve into the latest topics focused on maximizing revenue. Experience a unique event with an agenda you…

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Ops 2017: The Photo Show

I came here to post photos from last week's Ops, but before that, I wanted to add one takeaway from the conference and all the conversations that led up to it. This year's Ops really hammered home something Gavin, Rob and I have been writing and talking about considerably over…

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