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2887 Results

Facebook Is a Media Company–Even When That’s Inconvenient

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has been catching heat from all over the internet since this past Thursday, when she told Axios editor Mike Allen that Facebook was not a media company. Her rationale was that Facebook doesn’t produce original news content, doesn’t hire journalists (which it actually has done), and…

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Getting a Handle on GDPR: A Q&A With Nick Stringer

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) countdown clock keeps ticking more and more loudly the closer we get to May 25, 2018, the day the wide-reaching E.U. regulation takes effect. Publishers here in the U.S. and elsewhere outside of the E.U. are feeling anxious about getting compliant. Part of that…

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The Native Chronicles: Creative Revival

This is the first article in the Native Chronicles series, brought to you with the support of TripleLift. Read the second article on flexibility and A/B testing and the third on the future of mobile.   The first banner ad is both a thing of legend and of infamy. The latter because it launched a revolution of…

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What Is Ads.txt?

Ads.txt is an initiative the IAB Tech Lab launched earlier this year to ensure greater transparency in the programmatic marketplace by creating a record of who is authorized to sell or re-sell ad inventory. The top aim of Ads.txt is to crack down on domain spoofing, a widespread, wily and…

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