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2887 Results

ADM-NL-20180215-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters February 15, 2018 PubForum Prep: Driving Revenue Through a User-First Mindset When we talk about maintaining a quality user experience while maximizing monetization efforts, publishers have suggested for ages that these two goals oppose each other. Advertisers want to make sure their ads appear in prominent, unmissable positions--and users…

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What Are Deterministic and Probabilistic IDs?

Cookies are a foundational part of digital advertising, but their application is limited in a cross-device environment. Cookies are browser-specific, they aren’t supported in OTT, and they aren’t easily ported between mobile apps. Cookies, then, are just one type of identifier among several that go into targeting users across multiple…

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LinkedIn Ramps Up Ad Model, P&G Hedges on Programmatic

Is LinkedIn the New Facebook (for Content Distribution)? LinkedIn is reportedly firming up relationships with publishers in the U.S. and the U.K., according to Digiday, and a growing number of publishers are getting more serious about using LinkedIn as a content distribution channel. (They’re not just B2B publishers, either). LinkedIn…

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Slides of Our Lives: Why the Fall (in Revenue)?

In last week's webinar that AdMonsters hosted with sponsor Roxot, "Measuring Up to Revenue Analytics," we got into a new meaning of "WTF." As presenters Alex Kharitoshin (from Roxot) and Bodhi Short (from Cordless Media) explained, sometimes "WTF" stands for "Why the fall (in revenue)?" or "Where's the fill?" In…

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