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2887 Results

ADM-NL-20181115-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters November 15, 2018   The Unsung Heroes of the Advertising and Media World Professor Bob Pearson, former Chief Innovation Officer at W2O Group and current Senior Advisor, kicked off the Publisher Forum in Austin last week with a comprehensive keynote detailing the concepts of Storytizing—moving beyond campaigns to true…

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DFP 4EVR: Google Ad Manager Fallout

Back when Google announced that the melding of DFP and AdX was complete and Google Ad Manager (GAM to those who know it best... Well, really still DFP) was born, we were skeptical that a new monster had arrived on the publisher-side monetization scene. Well, from what we heard at…

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ADM-NL-20181101-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters November 1, 2018   Amazon’s Search Retargeting Sounds Like a Big ‘Ol Data Party We're not going to call it a Duopoly for much longer. Amazon is further asserting its place among the rulers of ad tech by offering advertisers search-based retargeting on third-party sites, which is both a…

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Blow Up Revenue in Q4 and Stay High in Q1

If the fourth quarter is a revenue party that's completely off the chain, the first quarter tends to be hangover that purges the depths of your soul. But what if we were to tell you that the bangin' party doesn't have to end? Check out our webinar with Roxot in…

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ADM-NL-20181025-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters October 25, 2018 Mobile Traffic Boom Sort of Good News for Publishers Worried that mobile traffic's rise will decrease desktop revenue? It just might, but there are definitely loads of opportunities -- like working with news aggregators and social networks -- to make up for the loss while meeting…

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ADM-NL-20181018-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters October 18, 2018 Will Exchanges' Call for Better Programmatic Marketplace be Enough? Our new Senior Editor Lynne d Johnson dives into the "Principles for a Better Programmatic Marketplace," an open letter to the industry from six exchanges that seems to grant programmatic buyers all their transparency wishes—fee transparency, no…

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