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2892 Results

What Is Footer Bidding?

The more header bidding adapters you add, the more bids you get and the more money you might make. But, the more requests you make, the more your user experience suffers. Enter Footer Bidding. The idea is simple: Don’t call any ad requests until the page has fully loaded. Instead…

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ADM-NL-20200529-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters May 29, 2020   Managing Teams Remotely During a Crisis A couple of weeks ago, we caught up with some folks in the AdMonsters publisher community for a virtual meetup and check-in and asked them to speak candidly about the many challenges they're facing and how they were not…

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Managing Teams Remotely During a Crisis

A couple of weeks ago, we caught up with some folks in the AdMonsters publisher community for a virtual meetup and check-in and asked them to speak candidly about the many challenges they currently face and what they were doing to not only survive, but continue to thrive amid this…

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Personalization With a Push

1 pm EST Browser push notifications are an exciting new channel for developing one-to-one relationships with users and delivering engaging experiences contextual experiences. Beyond that, though, is a treasure trove of audience data and serious monetization potential. While push notifications may be easy to implement, deploying them well requires a…

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Advertising Industry Learning and Professional Development

Webinar Replay: Debunking Authentication Myths

The slow demise of third-party cookies has left the advertising ecosystem awash in uncertainty—and a good deal of fear. Beyond the anxiety, publishers need to understand that this is actually an opportunity to reboot our industry and rebuild it based on trusted engagement. At the center of this movement is user…

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ADM-NL-20200521-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters May 21, 2020   Bad Ads, Whatcha Gonna Do? We're back with another entry in AdMonster's Discourse, the audio series that massages your eardrums while also informing you about the latest in digital media and advertising technology. In this edition, AdMonsters Editorial Director, Gavin Dunaway grabbed AdLightning CEO and Founder Scott…

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