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ADM-NL-20201210-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 10, 2020   Privacy Prophecies from PubForum+ At this week's PubForum+, speakers drilled down into granular questions around Apple’s Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) restrictions and Google’s sunsetting of third-party cookies, however, larger questions loomed about the potential for federal privacy regulation, the broader impact of the recently-passed Consumer…

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Media Investment: A Different Approach to Buying and Selling

Editorial Director, Gavin Dunaway spoke with Evergreen Trading’s Chief Operating Officer, Mark Ordover, to gain a deeper understanding of the role Evergreen Trading plays as a media investment agency within the buy-sell relationship between marketers and media companies, as well as how they can help publishers losing spend to the…

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Privacy Prophecies from PubForum+

At this week's PubForum+, speakers drilled down into granular questions around Apple’s Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) restrictions and Google’s sunsetting of third-party cookies, however, larger questions loomed about the potential for federal privacy regulation, the broader impact of the recently-passed Consumer Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), and more.

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Is Amazon Gunning For Google’s Top Spot?

December 09, 2020 Amazon Is Gunning For Google's Spot Google Launches Ad Block Attack Hashed Emails Will Not Take IDFA's Place Amazon’s 2019 Ad Spend Spree Is Still Paying Off Image sourced from eMarketer The old adage: “You have to spend money to make money,” couldn’t have worked out any…

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ADM-NL-20201203-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 3, 2020   Pubs Want More Financial Assurances From SSPs As we move closer to the end of Q4, pubs are experiencing a rebound of sorts but it hasn't halted their concerns about payments. Pubs are looking for assurances (and insurance) from their SSP partners that they won’t…

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Pubs Want More Financial Assurances From SSPs

As we move closer to the end of Q4, pubs are experiencing a rebound of sorts but it hasn't halted their concerns about payments. Pubs are looking for assurances (and insurance) from their SSP partners that they won’t be left holding the bag when a default happens along the chain…

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What Is CryptoRTB?

We chatted with AdLedger's Executive Director, Christiana Cacciapuoti, to learn more about the problems that CryptoRTB solves in the supply chain, how it benefits both sellers and buyers, how it differs from ads.cert, and the results of tests using the protocol that prove that blockchain-based solutions can accommodate the speed…

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