Search results for apachesolr_search/ad spending

982 Results

Display is back, but is the impression dead?

I’m back in San Francisco for a few days in between the IAB Annual Leadership Meeting (IABALM) and AdMonsters Publisher Forum XIV in Memphis. IABALM is a sea of C-level execs from “all” the top media and technology companies and I ran into a ton of old friends as well…

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iFrames, JavaScript and Ad Delivery

The type of ad delivery a site uses can have far reaching impacts.  Everyone's had a conversation with the Content or IT team that started "Your ads are making the site ...!"  This is usually followed by any one of a number of complaints: slow; install malware; totally unusable; leak…

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What OpenRTB Means for Ad Operations

Recently there was an announcement introducing OpenRTB, which is a consortium made up of both demand and supply side providers. The goal of the consortium is to create less friction in an marketplace that is only becoming more and more complex. Part of that initiative includes proposing a set of…

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OpenRTB Consortium

As much of the industry knows by now, we were honored to announce our participation in the newly formed OpenRTB Consortium earlier this month. With more and more publishers looking to real-time bidding (RTB) as a key source of demand for their inventory, it’s critical to have the right standards…

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Building an Ad Server to Serve Your Application

Last Thursday my talk on Bootstrapping Your AdServer provoked hems and haws at the AdMonsters Network Forum (Dec 9th, 2010) in New York City. My intention was to provide a bit of insight to the challenges that publishers encounter on a regular basis; especially those in the midst of a…

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Q and A with Russell Glass, CEO of Bizo

Russell Glass, CEO of Bizo will be giving the keynote address at the AdMonsters Network Ops Forum in NYC Dec 9, 2010. In advance of the event we asked him a few questions about ad operations.Q: Please tell us about you, your company and what gets you excited about online…

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Back to Basics or the Mobile Advertiser’s Dilemma

John Wanamaker, oft considered the father of modern advertising, is attributed with saying, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half”.  Nearly a century later, the technologies and medium used for advertising have changed, but his observation is often still evident.…

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