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MMA Aids Developers With Privacy Policy Framework

The Mobile Marketing Association has issued the final version of its Mobile Application Privacy Policy Framework to assist mobile app developers and publishers in writing privacy policies and informing users about data collection and usage. Developed by the Privacy & Advocacy Committee (co-chaired by Alan Chapell, President of Chapell &…

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O’Reilly: Making Progress Toward the ‘Quantified Society’

“Towards the Quantified Society” was the theme of O’Reilly’s online preview of its Strata conference in Santa Clara, Calif., in late February. The statement does make one tingle a bit – we’re headed in the direction of a data-centric world where everything can be measured, morphed into numbers and metrics,…

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Krux Digital Updates Platform, Looks Global: Q&A With Brian Buizer

In addition to upgrading its publisher-side data management platform with some slick new tools (including social data integrations), Krux Digital announced today that it’s gone global, now providing services for European and Japanese media companies. We caught up with Director of Client Services Brian Buizer to discuss some of the…

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A Q&A With Richard Wheaton, Neo@Ogilvy

  I had the pleasure of sitting down with Richard Wheaton, UK Managing Director of Ogilvy’s digital arm Neo, to discuss the digital landscape as it lies currently and also get his take on what to look out for in 2012.   Richard is a stalwart of the industry –…

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AdMonsters Brazil

Strengthen the foundations of online advertisingLatin American leaders in digital advertising attend AdMonsters Brazil for the in-depth peer-to-peer discussions, focused on developing actionable solutions and best practices in response to cutting edge challenges.  Example topics include:The strategic role of Ad OperationsAudience targetingYield, revenue and inventory managementEmerging platformsOrganizational structureData monetization and…

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Attributes of Attribution: Q&A With Paul Pellman, CEO, Adometry

 It's generally sunk in that the last click shouldn't be getting all the conversion credit – as digital spend increases, advertisers are yearning for a better understanding of multichannel campaign performance. Properly assigning credit to various ad types has proved to be a task, but one that companies like Adometry –…

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Q&A with Eric Litman: Medialets’ Move to RTB

Last week, Medialets, a mobile rich media advertising platform that currently supports more than 20 billion monthly impressions, launched Medialets Private Marketplace, a fully transparent buying platform that lets advertisers directly plan, buy, execute and measure brand advertising on the mobile properties of the world's top publishers. The launch of Medialets Private…

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Bringing RTB to Asia-Pacific: Q&A with Matt Harty

  This exclusive interview with Matt Harty, General Manager, Accuen APAC at Annalect (Omnicom Media Group), is brought to you by AdMonsters Southeast Asia. AdMonsters Southeast Asia brings commercial directors and operations leaders at the forefront of the field in the region together to lead the discussion on building the market and…

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The State of SSPs: Classic vs. New

The Forrester Wave report on Sell-Side Platforms sets the stage for the publisher ecosystem in 2012 by labeling SSPs a “vital part of the publisher tech stack.” The SSP is an increasingly necessary tool for managing and optimizing a plethora of indirect sales channels – oh, and making sure they’re…

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Do All Your Cookies Taste the Same?

When considering which data to buy and layer onto campaigns, marketers are becoming lost in a sea of segments. Several data buyers have told me they have access to 50,000 segments. That’s 50 with 3 zeroes. Which cookies should you buy? How can you differentiate one company’s 500 segments from…

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