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2102 Results

#OPSPOV: Meet the NewFronts, Same as the OldFronts

“I’ve had a lot of people ask, ‘is Hulu digital video or television?’” quipped Peter Naylor, SVP of Sales and repeat AdMonsters keynote. “Well, as a sales guy, I’m inclined to respond, ‘I’m anything you want me to be, wink.’”The buyers at the Hulu NewFront got a kick out of…

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Targeted to Your Wrist: Smart-Watch Advertising

"Can't wait to see ads on my Apple Watch!" said no one ever. I'm sure that consumers are wondering what genius will be the first to spam them with belly fat ads on the Watch. When an ad network for the Watch was announced at CES in January, a million fanboys…

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PubForum Memories: Reflections From Sonoma, March 2015

It’s been a bit of a crazy time in AdMonsters-land – besides merging with Access Intelligence, I’ve been heavy into programming the upcoming OPS conference, June 9 in NYC. However, I just received a bunch of video clips back from our most recent Publisher Forum in Sonoma and it made…

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Forging Forward: Unlocking PMP Potential

The promise of private marketplaces is both alluring and straightforward. For brands, there’s the opportunity to reach engaged audiences of premium publishers with the efficiency of programmatic. For those premium publishers, there’s an opportunity to move inventory via programmatic, but at significantly higher CPMs than they can net in the…

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Publisher Viewability Litmus Test 2: Viewability Stumbles Forward

Download the latest Publisher Viewability Litmus Test here. (Note: You must log in or register with AdMonsters to download the survey.) From the Executive Summary: In April 2014, shortly after the Media Rating Council lifted its embargo on transacting display inventory on a viewability basis, AdMonsters fired out a survey to its…

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AdMonsters Playbook: Incorporating Programmatic Video

It doesn't take a savant to see that digital video advertising is hotter than an industrial forge. eMarketer estimated that digital video ad spend hit $6 billion in 2014, and spend for 2015 will run somewhere around $7.7 billion. And within that, programmatic video spend will hit $2.8 billion in…

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