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How Publishers Can Stay Ahead in the Changing Digital Landscape

2020 is bringing changes to data, privacy, and transparency, and publishers are faced with navigating an uncertain future. With Google's unified pricing rules and move to first-price auctions, new (and upcoming) data and privacy regulations, and the potential of a cookieless ecosystem, publishers are feeling the pressure to adjust their…

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5 Big Takeaways From Ad Week NYC 2019

There were quite a few recurring themes that emerged from last week's Advertising Week New York 2019 (henceforth referred to as #AWNewYork) that struck me as being of great interest to folks in the ad operations and ad tech communities. So after gobbling up all of the information and digesting…

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Ad Tech’s Curveball Keeps Amanda Martin Swinging for the Fences

Amanda Martin, VP of Enterprise Partnerships at Goodway Group, always knew she wanted some kind of future in advertising but it was the technology innovation that kept her there. During her keynote address, “Pubs and Agencies: Strange Bedfellows, Strategic Partners” at Publisher Forum in Scottsdale on Monday, November 4, 2019,…

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Let’s Talk True Partnerships

Remember the Sizmek debacle? This awkward state of affairs really got me thinking about the word “partnership” and how disposable a word it has become in our industry, says AdMonsters Chairman, Rob Beeler. Someone can have 10-to-15 header-bidding “partners,” but all that means is you’ve got contracts with that number…

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Webinar Replay: Easy-to-Implement Automation

Automation can be as easy as 1, 2, 3… Whether they involve campaign setup, creative management, or reporting and reconciliation, manual and mundane tasks siphon away enthusiasm from your ad operations team. Worse, they distract your best producers from initiatives like customer success that truly move the needle. Integrating more…

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Unified Auction Brings High Anxiety to GAM City

Before the news of Google’s ad department reorganization broke, publishers had already been getting quite itchy over the machinations of Google Ad Manager. Now outgoing Director of Product Development Jason Bigler officially announced in a blog a few weeks ago what publishers had been hearing from their GAM account managers: the…

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AdMonsters Meetup: What’s UX Got to do With it?

6:00 pm — 8:30 pm New York Times 620 8th Ave, 15th Floor (entrance on 40th Street) New York, NY 10018 (Photo ID required) Enjoy a night of beverages, hors d’oeuvres, and networking with your local publisher and agency peers, as well as an insightful discussion about the importance of…

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