Search results for apachesolr_search/Revenue data analytics

2060 Results

Ghost and Post

Imagine walking into a bar, buying a beer, and standing there drinking it. Now imagine that another punter walks into the same bar, buys exactly the same pint of beer, and stands beside you calmly drinking it.  Don't be confused. I am not suggesting they are drinking a "similar" pint.…

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Where are we with VAST and VPAID?

Last year when I first joined AdMonsters I wrote an article about the Video Ad Serving Template, commonly know as the VAST which is a XML standard proposed and maintained by the IAB. So what has become of VAST in the 12 months since? Has the industry embraced the VAST…

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AdMonsters Sydney

 The AdMonsters - Sydney conference is focused on online ad operations in the digital advertising industry, with attendance limited to just fifty of the most senior leaders in ad operations and technology. Participants gather for one day of in-depth peer-to-peer discussions, focused on developing actionable solutions and best practices in response to cutting…

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iFrames, JavaScript and Ad Delivery

The type of ad delivery a site uses can have far reaching impacts.  Everyone's had a conversation with the Content or IT team that started "Your ads are making the site ...!"  This is usually followed by any one of a number of complaints: slow; install malware; totally unusable; leak…

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Digital Ad Operations: The Bigger Picture

Editor's note: The post originally appeared on the UM blog.The world of Digital Ad Operations has changed dramatically over the past year.  It was just over a year ago that we all started using acronyms like DSP, RTB, SSP, and DCO on a regular basis.  In fact, I remember having…

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What OpenRTB Means for Ad Operations

Recently there was an announcement introducing OpenRTB, which is a consortium made up of both demand and supply side providers. The goal of the consortium is to create less friction in an marketplace that is only becoming more and more complex. Part of that initiative includes proposing a set of…

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Building an Ad Server to Serve Your Application

Last Thursday my talk on Bootstrapping Your AdServer provoked hems and haws at the AdMonsters Network Forum (Dec 9th, 2010) in New York City. My intention was to provide a bit of insight to the challenges that publishers encounter on a regular basis; especially those in the midst of a…

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Ad Ops Data Ninjas

I know! Not all beacons/pixels/cookies (oh my!) are used to bilk dollars from Premium Publishers via an audience driven model. There are analytics tools that can help provide insight into traffic patterns, measurement of user frequency and in the end make a greater and more enjoyable user experience for the…

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