Ramping Up Your Revenue: Digital Publishers Reveal Key Growth Strategies

By Susie Stulz August 05, 2024

“If a publisher is investing in audience development tools and incurring expenses against them, then you would hope that the same publisher has a view on increasing revenues above those costs.” — Justin Wohl, Chief Revenue Officer at Snopes.com and TVTropes.org

The past few years have been tumultuous for publishers. The on-again/off-again deprecation of cookies, concerns over MFA sites making programmatic advertising risky, and the rise of generative AI search decimating referral traffic have all posed significant challenges. Despite these hurdles, publishers continue to innovate. As a result, the majority anticipate revenue growth in the coming year.

In July 2024, we surveyed and interviewed publishers to gain insights into their revenue outlook and identify their top opportunities for growth. This report summarizes our findings.

Of course, much has changed since our survey, including Google’s decision to forgo cookie deprecation for the foreseeable future. Still, what’s clear to us is that the talk of cookie deprecation has prompted them to rethink the way they do business and how they can generate revenue.

Key Findings: Direct Deals & Audience Data

  • On the whole, revenue will grow. Most respondents (60%) anticipate revenue growth, with 19% expecting significant growth and 41% anticipating moderate growth.
  •  2025 will be the year of the direct deal, with 68% of publishers saying it represents their best opportunity for revenue growth.
  • Monetizing audience data (50%) and creating new products (46%) are also seen as significant opportunities for growth.
  • Looking ahead, 33% plan to leverage audience data, and 23% each consider subscriptions and licensing/syndication as new revenue streams.
  • To support these growth plans, 71% of respondents plan to invest in new tools or technologies to ramp up revenue.
  • The most invested tools include audience segmentation (65%), identity resolution (50%), and AI-driven/advanced analytics platforms (40%).

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