Search results for ads.txt

94 Results

Delivering Malware Programmatically Is Too Easy

You know what unfortunately is already too easy? Delivering malware to publishers via the open programmatic marketplace. The latest high-profile case involves a fake company called "Amobi" (not to be confused with the legit Amobee) dropping malicious code through a wonky Claritin ad. As tempting as it is to roll…

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The False Audience-Content Dichotomy

Choose audience. Choose content. But wait—it's 2018, do media buyers really only get to pick one or the other? No, they shouldn't have to, writes Michael Hans. However, quality issues both in data and content have been holding us back from reaching the true potential of programmatic advertising; the time…

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ADM-NL-20180726-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters July 26, 2018   A Road Map For OMS Migrations We know some of you are still patting yourselves on the back for coming out the other end of the GDPR launch unscathed, but this is ad tech, folks—the next crisis is always coming sooner than you expect. The…

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OpenRTB 3.0: A Question of Adoption

Particularly with the digital signature initiative Ads.cert, OpenRTB 3.0 is going to be a major leap forward for transparency and anti-fraud efforts in the programmatic space. But of course there's a catch—version 3.0 is not backwards compatible, meaning SSPs, DSPs, and other intermediaries have a lot of code re-writing on…

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Capturing That Elusive SMB Spend

Facebook reels from another tornado of scandals, yet their advertising business is going gangbusters. Seems weird, right? Well, no—the Duopoly thrives on small and mid-size advertisers that can't find viable alternatives in digital media. But Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway sees an opportunity to grab a slice of that pie at…

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ADM-NL-20180719-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters July 19, 2018 Capturing That Elusive SMB Spend Facebook reels from another tornado of scandals, yet their advertising business is going gangbusters. Seems weird, right? Well, no—the Duopoly thrives on small and mid-size advertisers that can't find viable alternatives in digital media. But Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway sees an…

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Pub Demand Partners Get a Haircut

We've been hearing at Publisher Forums for a while now that pubs are shedding demand partners rather than on-boarding them. Now we've got the data to back it up—and the drop is dramatic. Oh, and guess who else is doing a bit of culling? Advertisers are shaking loose DMPs fast.

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ADM-NL-20180712-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters July 12, 2018   Three Pillars of Ad Quality: Time for Compliance You can point to your specs, you can point to LEAN, but getting compliance from the buy side is still a challenge. So what should an overall framework for creative compliance look like? Brian LaRue explores the…

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Have We Reached the Limits of Ads.txt?

It's been reported this week that 1,400 mobile apps loaded ads on TV Guide's domain. How did this happen, in an age when everyone's on board with Ads.txt? Well, the answer is simple, but it's not what you want to hear: The buyers just hadn't been scanning those Ads.txt files…

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Clearing the Way for In-App Transparency

To deliver on the potential of automated buying and selling in the in-app space, advertisers, publishers and our industry as a whole are doubling down on transparency initiatives that make it harder for issues like fraud to take root and restore the faith in the good actors. Here’s a look…

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