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1507 Results

How Accountable Data Will Fuel DSP Demand

Digital media decision making is constantly evolving, and with demand-side platforms, digital agencies have set up lightning-fast environments for buying and selling a variety of online ad impressions, similar to the computerized stock trading desks used by quantitative traders. DSPs are remaking the media landscape and increasingly blurring the boundaries…

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Tim Hussain of Sky Digital Discusses Mobile Advertising

Tim Hussain, Head of Platform Development & Partnerships, Sky Digital, presented the session: iPad & Tablet PC Devices: Challenges, Opportunities and Operational Readiness at last week's OPS event in London. Tim joined Sky as Head of Mobile Advertising in October 2008 to develop and drive Sky’s mobile advertising sales strategy.…

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Ben Humphry on Self-Service Ads and The Changing Network Model

Editor's note: Ben Humphry is Head of AdMonsters Professional Services in the UK. Recently he wrote two posts for the APS blog Here to Help. We wanted to share them with you in case you missed them. LinkedIn goes self-serveLinkedIn is the latest publisher to move to a self-serve ad model.…

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Ad Ops for Beginners

Please note: registration for this training is via our partner, Econsultancy. Clicking the register button will redirect you away from AdMonsters Overview At the start of a career in online advertising, there is a large amount of information to be processed. As a trafficker, you are expected to be able…

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How Pure is Your Pure Platform?

Before I get started, and in the interest of full disclosure, our company is in the business of providing a data management platform to publishers, advertisers, and just about anyone else that may benefit from one.  Our product, Crowd Control, is a powerful online data management system that has served…

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AMI Talks About the Need for Advertising Business Management

AMI announced today that they have signed up to use Operative.One. Read the press release.We spoke with AMI about the decision to use an advertising business management provider.Q: Please briefly describe AMI's business and current ad operations organization. Do you have a centralized team that manages the 15 websites or…

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Ghost and Post

Imagine walking into a bar, buying a beer, and standing there drinking it. Now imagine that another punter walks into the same bar, buys exactly the same pint of beer, and stands beside you calmly drinking it.  Don't be confused. I am not suggesting they are drinking a "similar" pint.…

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LinkedIn goes self-serve

LinkedIn is the latest publisher to move to a self-serve ad model. Like Facebook, it has found this model to be the solution to the advertising dilemma facing social networks; how do you control the advertising environment when the content is user generated? The answer for both publishers has been…

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