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1513 Results

Publisher Forum Europe: Staying Competitive with Innovation

Ad tech aficianado Volker Ballueder recently recapped our latest European Publisher Forum from his point of view. Here's what he had to say on some of the conference's burning issues and hot topics, including why innovation may be a competitive publisher's saving grace.Over the past few months I have had…

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LIVE: Publisher Forum XXX: Boulder

AdMonsters is officially live from Boulder for Publisher Forum XXX. We'll be live blogging throughout the conference, bringing you a snippet of all the industry insight and discussion from mile-high Boulder. Stay tuned to this page throughout the week for the latest news and updates from AdMonsters' thirtieth Publisher Forum.…

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Publisher Forum Columbia Gorge: Breakout Sessions

Read descriptions of sponsor breakouts below. Register for your two preferred sponsor breakouts here. AdColony – Fish Need Water, Birds Need Air & Great Ads Need Great Content11:10-11:50 a.m., 12:00-12:40 p.m.Close the spreadsheets, log out of the dashboard and come experience the power of brand storytelling. Today AdColony is showing you the…

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Get Hyperreal: Moving Augmented Reality Beyond Novelty

 Wouldn’t it be amazing if our phones could see the world in the same way we do,” commented Matt Mills, former Head of Innovation and Global Sales at augmented reality platform Aurasma, during a 2012 TED Talk. Lucky for us, with today’s advancements in mobile technology, the what-ifs of connecting…

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How Publishers Guard Against Malvertising

Malvertising, defined as the use of online advertising to spread malicious software (aka “malware”), is a damaging occurrence in online advertising. A malicious advertisement is one that is able to infect a user’s computer with malware.  Malvertising tends to be rare in frequency, but its consequences can be destructive; publishers…

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The New Age of Second Screen: Enabling Interaction

Second-screen and companion viewing isn’t a new phenomenon per se. Television viewers are quite accustomed to diverting their attention throughout broadcasts. And even before the proliferation of TV companion apps such as Zeebox, Viggle and GetGlue, viewers often Googled or Wikipedia-d content pertinent to what they were watching on screen.…

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Yumblr? Tumblhoo? Thoughts on Monetization

The headline that likely best sums up Yahoo’s acquisition of Tumblr comes from an unlikely source: “Yahoo Back On Top After Purchasing Millions Of 13-Year-Old Girls’ Blogs,” blasted The Onion.Snicker all you want (I did!), but basically Yahoo just spent $1.1 billion on a younger audience to bolster the aging…

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