Webcast US II – Best Practices for Managing Late Creative

April 23, 2009

Best Practices for Managing Late Creative

Registration opens February 09, 2009

Registration ends April 23, 2009 at 12:00 am

Late creative means more than the inconvenience of trafficking ads at the last minute, inevitably on a Friday evening when everyone else has headed home for the weekend. Late creative impacts publishers and agencies in real and measurable ways, flowing directly to the bottom line. Starting a campaign late because of late creative can cause underdelivery of not just that, but for other campaigns as well. The additional work-hours created by agencies chasing creative specs and media owners chasing creative can add up very quickly. A 2008 AdMonsters survey of its UK members reveled that over 1/3 of campaigns started late due to problems with creative. The same survey also showed that your average mid-size publisher had the equivalent of one full time employee chasing creative for campaigns. Combine all of these factors and you're looking at hundreds of thousands of lost revenue per year. There are standards around late creative to avoid this problem, but this issue will continue to plague the operations teams of both agencies and publishers until standard late creative policies are enforced. Since all parties agree this is the case, why doesn't it happen? Join us for this online technical forum and find out what you can start doing TODAY to save costs and add to your bottom line. The presentation will outline the issues around late creative policies, and demonstrate with real life examples that both publishers and agencies benefit when enforced. Both perspectives will be represented and give you the information you need to make this happen for your company. With ad spends shrinking and every dollar being watched, now more than ever, it will be important to manage costs and maximize yield.

see also: technologyagenda

Webcast – Best Practices for Managing Late Creative will be held at 11am EST/4pm GMT

Click here to signup now!

Successfully Implementing a Late Creative Policy

Late creative means more than the inconvenience of trafficking ads at the last minute, inevitably on a Friday evening when everyone else has headed home for the weekend. Late creative impacts publishers and agencies in real and measureable ways, flowing directly to the bottom line.

Starting a campaign late because of late creative can cause underdelivery of not just that, but for other campaigns as well. The additional work-hours created by agencies chasing creative specs and media owners chasing creative can add up very quickly. A 2008 AdMonsters survey of its UK members reveled that over 1/3 of campaigns started late due to problems with creative.

The same survey also showed that your average mid-size publisher had the equivalent of one full time employee chasing creative for campaigns. Combine all of these factors and you’re looking at hundreds of thousands of lost revenue per year.

Time is moneyThere are standards around late creative to avoid this problem, but this issue will continue to plague the operations teams of both agencies and publishers until standard late creative policies are enforced. Since all parties agree this is the case, why doesn’t it happen? Join us for this online technical forum and find out what you can start doing TODAY to save costs and add to your bottom line.  The presentation will outline the issues around late creative policies, and demonstrate with real life examples that both publishers and agencies benefit when enforced. Both perspectives will be represented and give you the information you need to make this happen for your company. With ad spends shrinking and every dollar being watched, now more than ever, it will be important to manage costs and maximize yield.

The webcast will be live April 23rd, 2009 at 11am EST/ 4pm GMT for a cost of $99. A recording of the event will be available after the live event for a cost of $75. Registration is open to anyone in ad operations or sales management for a publisher, agency or network.

About the Presenters:

Joanne Bathurst is Head of Advertising Operations for Sulake Ltd (http://www.sulake.com) in London. Formerly, Joanne was Head of Advertising Operations at Conde Net (GB).

About the webcast series

The AdMonsters webcast series will provide an opportunity for the online ad operations community to explore specific aspects of the industry in-depth throughout the year. Each webcast will be hosted by senior ad ops executives and will focus on a particular aspect of the industry. Some topics will be technology specific, others will examine a particular piece of software or workflow solution. All will be led by our members and, in the AdMonsters tradition, will be open discussions among peers that will leave attendees with specific takeaways.

Webcasts will be recorded live including a question & answer segment. This recording will be made available on demand on the AdMonsters website after the event.


Webcasts will be presented on Adobe Connect Pro. Audio will be streamed online or available by toll-free number. Please use the testing tool provided by Adobe® before joining one of the AdMonsters webcasts. The tool can be found here.


Webcast – Best Practices for Managing Late Creative
will run for 60 minutes, beginning at 11 AM EST (4 PM GMT)on April 23rd, 2009.


11:00 (EST)   Introductions
11:05 – 11:45   Presentation
Joanna Bathurst & Carlton Cribb
11:45 – 12:00   Q&A with the moderators