Training – 104: Understanding and Managing Remnant Ad Networks 1/2 day class

Understanding and Managing Remnant Ad Networks 1/2 day class

Registration opens August 20, 2009

Registration ends November 13, 2009 at 12:00 am

Early Bird Deadline: August 20, 2009

Time: 9:00am to 12:30pm  EST
registration opens at 8:30am; enjoy breakfast until 9:00am

**This class is available via Remote Access** During the registration process you will be asked whether you want to participate in person at our training facility or via remote access at your home or office.

Course Description

The amount of inventory that publishers are relegating to remnant ad networks continues to grow, and therefore the importance for Ad Operations to manage these ad networks is becoming a vital part of the department’s responsibilities. This course will outline the strategies, techniques and tricks to manage remnant networks.

Starting with an overview of the online ad networks and a discussion about the growth of networks, the course will outline the various business models, capabilities, and types of networks that work in the remnant space. The focus will then be on deployment, network selection, daisy chaining, optimization, and vendors in the space. At the end of the course, attendees will have a solid understanding of remnant networks and how to manage them.


Who should attend?

This course will be beneficial to entry level ad operations staff, ranging from individuals seeking to enter the field to new hires and staff who have been in ad ops/trafficking for 2-4 months who are responsible for managing remnant ad networks.


Course Concepts:

  • The Ad Networking Space
  • Types of Ad Networks
  • Publisher Management
  • Tracking Results
  • Optimizing Multiple Ad Networks

Remote Access:  

Remote Access is designed to increase accessibility of our training programs, by providing a convenient way to educate ad ops professionals who wouldn’t otherwise be able to take part at the in-person training courses.

Our courses are now presented through Adobe Connect Pro, which allows remote participants to hear the instructor live, follow along with the presentation, ask questions, and get answers in real-time. By allowing employees to participate via Remote Access, companies can save money by reducing travel time and costs while ensuring that their ad ops department gets the same high quality training.

About the Instructor:
Doug M. Wintz is founder and principle of DMW MediaWorks, a consultancy in interactive media and operations, with long-term clients that include the market leaders in online health, broadcast television, behavioral targeting and custom publishing.

Doug began his interactive career with Prodigy in 1988. During that time, he pioneered the sales and development of online applications for automotive clients Toyota, Ford and Autobytel, brokerage firm PCFN (DLJ Direct) and grocers Dominick’s and D’Agostino. He led the development of one of the first online ad networks for Softbank, managed sales/operations for game site Uproar and recently served as VP of Digital Media Solutions for Lycos.