Members Dinner

December 08, 2010

Registration opens September 07, 2010

Registration ends December 07, 2010 at 12:00 am


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London – 8 Dec 2010

Sponsored by Videoplaza 

This Dinner is Now Sold Out – Thank You For Your Interest. You may still register for the waiting list should there be any cancellations.


To provide continuity and foster ongoing relationships among our members between our bi-annual conferences, AdMonsters hosts regular Members Dinner events in cities around the U.S. and in Europe. AdMonsters Dinners are informal, fun, social events – a great way for members to stay in touch, and for prospective members to get a feel for the group.

Attendance, Registration and Cost

AdMonsters DinnerLondonAdMonsters Dinner

There is no cost to current and prospective AdMonsters members for AdMonsters Members Dinners.

The primary group of invitees are current and prospective AdMonsters publisher, network and agency members. We may also invite other individuals who are interested in AdMonsters.

Attendance is by invitation only, and is limited to individuals employed by online publishing/media companies and agencies, whose roles focus on ad operations and/or ad technology.