Paramount’s Merger and Layoff Saga; Fubo TV’s Sports Streaming Lawsuit; X, The New Ad Tech Crusaders

AdMonsters Wrapper: The weekly ad tech news wrap up
This Week
August 20, 2024
Mergers, Layoffs, and the Streaming Squeeze
Fubo Takes on Media Titans
X, Suddenly the White Knights of Advertising
Mergers, Layoffs, and the Streaming Squeeze: Paramount's Latest Move
Mergers…Layoffs…Rinse…Repeat. It’s been the relentless rhythm for publishers and streaming platforms over the past two years as they navigate industry shifts. I know the fatigue is real, but it's time to lace up those boots and embrace survival mode.

The latest company in the hot seat is Paramount TV Studios.

Paramount Global will close Paramount Television Studios as part of a restructuring effort that includes significant layoffs. President Nicole Clemens is departing, and ongoing projects like Reacher and Apple’s Time Bandits are shifting to CBS Studios. This move follows Paramount’s announcement that they’re cutting 15% of their U.S. workforce, adding to the 800 employees laid off six months ago.

These measures are meant to contribute to cost savings, reducing expenses by $500 million in preparation for a merger with Skydance. Layoffs are rolling out in three phases, continuing through the rest of the year, as the company deals with ongoing industry challenges.

In a memo, Co-CEO George Cheeks, wrote that the shutdown, “is not a decision based on how PTVS performed. This move is the result of significant changes in the TV and streaming marketplace and the need to streamline our company.”

As unfortunate as it is, this is no surprise to anyone working in CTV. This cycle of bundling streaming services and layoffs will continue as these platforms struggle to generate revenue. This includes creating ad-supported tiers in streaming services and reaching new subscribers.

Dina Roman, SVP, global ad sales, Fubo predicted this at the beginning of the year, stating, “Consumer frustration and advertisers’ challenges to reach target audiences mean the industry is approaching a tipping point. As a result, we’re starting to see a return to content bundling.

The question remains, is bundling the fix streamers and advertisers are hoping for? – AB
Fubo Takes on Media Titans in Sports Streaming Showdown
In a move that mirrors the ongoing fight against digital monopolies like Google and Apple, Fubo has secured a preliminary injunction against The Walt Disney Company, Fox Corp., and Warner Bros. Discovery. Just as concerns have been raised about Big Tech’s grip on the digital landscape, this case is about preventing a few media giants from controlling up to 80% of live sports broadcasting.

We’ve seen this playbook before: powerful companies trying to dominate a sector while smaller players and consumers get squeezed out. Fubo’s stand is not just about their own survival; it’s about keeping the playing field level in an industry where innovation and competition should thrive, not be stifled. This isn’t just a fight for one company; it’s a pushback against the idea that a few media giants can call all the shots, whether online or on our screens.

Fubo’s lawsuit, filed on February 20th, 2024, claims that these media conglomerates have been working together to block its innovative sports-first streaming service, similar to the tactics allegedly used by Google and Apple to maintain their dominance. A letter co-authored by other industry players (DirecTV, Dish, Newsmax, and public advocacy groups American Economic Liberties Project, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Open Markets Institute, and Sports Fans Coalition) echoes the sentiment, drawing parallels to the antitrust issues we’ve seen with Big Tech.

The battle lines are drawn, and as both cases unfold, the outcomes could set new precedents in their respective industries.

Let’s see how this one plays out. – YY
X CEO Linda Yaccarino on Fixing an Ecosystem She Helped Break
The saga of X continues. Linda Yaccarino, now at the helm of X (formerly Twitter), is navigating the choppy waters left in the wake of Elon Musk’s tumultuous takeover. While Yaccarino may not have been on the front lines when the ecosystem started unraveling, she’s certainly steering the ship now — and let’s just say it’s a boat she helped launch into the storm.

Remember when Musk swooped in and turned the industry upside down? Chaos ensued. There were leadership shake-ups, policy overhauls, and a layoff spree that left advertisers more than a little jittery. The platform’s stability and direction seemed to sway with Musk's every Tweet.

And then there was the whole free speech debacle. Musk’s laissez-faire approach to content moderation — more of a non-approach, really — didn't sit well with brands. The fear? Ads cozying up to content no advertiser in their right mind would want to be near.

It was all so... impetuous. Musk’s unpredictability left advertisers scrambling, unsure if they were investing in a platform with any real future. The lack of clear ad guidelines? Not helping. It’s no surprise that ad spend on X started to plummet. So, when Yaccarino talks about a lawsuit to “fix” the ecosystem, you can’t help but raise an eyebrow. The irony? X itself was a co-conspirator in breaking it.

Yaccarino claims the lawsuit is all about pushing for transparency — like they’re suddenly the white knights of the advertising world. But let’s be real, her take on this lawsuit against the World Federation of Advertisers is more than a little skewed. Is this really about transparency, or just trying to patch up the holes in a ship that was already sinking? – YY
One X Post
The 20% Mystery Solved: Why Your AdX Revenue Tanked After First Look Deals
To all my old publisher contacts that gave us (Criteo) first look only to see a huge drop in your AdX revenue—we finally know why. Thanks for reporting this @marketecturetv
Worth a Listen
Agency Ad Tech and GARM’s Fall
In this episode of The Big Story, AdExchanger Editors dive into Publicis’ bold moves in the agency ad tech space and the tricky questions it raises about independence and competition. They also explore the sudden shutdown of GARM following a lawsuit from X and what this means for brand safety standards.
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