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Online Video Yield Optimization the Right Way: Less Time, More Money

Death, taxes, and yield optimization: they’re all inescapable, and each one is about as pleasant as the others. There’s no denying that yield optimization is important, especially for online video ads, which now draw a vast amount of money industry-wide. Still, having your ad operations team spend the entire day…

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AdMonsters Video: Q and A with Jason Kelly of Time Inc.

AdMonsters was fortunate enough to have Jason Kelly, Vice President of Strategy & Revenue Management at Time Inc. Digital as our keynote speaker at our Publisher Forum in March 2010. His presentation was a big hit with our members - so much so that we asked Jason if he would…

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Highlights from the 2010 Brightcove Video Monetization Summit

On Wednesday I attended the Brightcove Video Monetization Summit. After a brief geeky starstruck moment - seeing Brightcove CEO Jeremy Allaire (formerly of Allaire and Macromedia) in person and resisting the urge to scream "I LOVE COLDFUSION" at him - I settled in for a long day of video learning.…

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Are you able to execute cross platform deals?

According to the Bain Study “Building Brands Online”, in the next 3 years, brand marketers will spend close to 40% of their budget on cross-platform campaigns (up from roughly 25%).  That’s about $52,000,000,000 being spent on cross platform campaigns in the near future.  Unless you start making changes in your…

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Thoughts on the US Leadership Forum in NYC

I hope everyone who attended the US Leadership Forum in New York this past week found it enjoyable and valuable. As always I was in awe of being surrounded by so many smart people. Events such as the Leadership Forum are such a great way to not only learn from…

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Introduction to VAST

There has been a lot of talk about VAST and how important adopting this standard is. Recently I had a conversation with someone in which I mentioned VAST - a subject that is obviously near and dear to me. He said to me, "You know Sarah, there are a lot…

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