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Reporting In From the IAB Marketplace: Digital Video Conference

Yesterday I attended the IAB Marketplace: Digital Video conference. Digital Video has so much exciting potential for the industry and seems to be getting bigger. Brian Shin of Visibile Measures said video is growing faster than anyone could have imagined and Cisco estimates that in 2013, 90 percent of Internet…

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The 1-2-3s of Video Syndication

Video syndication is a hot topic in the world of online media. While the general idea is well enough understood—it’s a way for content owners to make more money in more places—there is still plenty of confusion about what video syndication actually is, how it works, and what publishers need…

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Joe Luna of Fox News Digital on Video Advertising

Joe Luna is Manager of Yield and Inventory at Fox News Digital. He works closely with sales, production, and the trafficking groups to identify valuable inventory, set pricing strategies, and help define new ad opportunities. Joe will be presenting “Maximizing Video Revenue” at the AdMonsters Publisher Forum in Memphis. In…

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Where are we with VAST and VPAID?

Last year when I first joined AdMonsters I wrote an article about the Video Ad Serving Template, commonly know as the VAST which is a XML standard proposed and maintained by the IAB. So what has become of VAST in the 12 months since? Has the industry embraced the VAST…

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Video Web Syndication: More for Everyone

Not syndicating your online video content yet? You’re missing out. You’ve already done the hard part—publishing compelling video. Now comes the fun part: spreading its reach far and wide across the Web—and monetizing it every step of the way.The fact is, publishers already want to make your video part of…

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Jack Myers and Rob Beeler at OPS NY Part 4 – Paywalls

We knew when developing the agenda for OPS that we couldn't just have operations people say that ops was sexy. We needed an icon in the industry to help drive that point home and end the day with everyone buzzing about all the great things operations is. We were extremely…

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Jack Myers and Rob Beeler at OPS NY Part 3 – Apps

We knew when developing the agenda for OPS that we couldn't just have operations people say that ops was sexy. We needed an icon in the industry to help drive that point home and end the day with everyone buzzing about all the great things operations is. We were extremely…

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HTML5 Advertising FAQ

Editor's note: This article was provided by Jack Wallington, head of industry programmes, IAB UK and Lynne Hunt, head of ad operations, The Guardian. It is reposted from the IAB site with permission.This page is a status update about the use of HTML5 in advertising from major publishers, ad networks…

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