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Tune in Tomorrow: Preparing for OPS TV

With a brutal heat wave hitting the East Coast over the last few weeks, the best activity has seemed to be cranking the air conditioning and curling up in front of the TV (as long as your power is still on). Or maybe it was watching a couple of flicks…

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AdMonsters Vienna Publisher Forum – LIVE BLOG

Welcome one and all to this year’s only Publisher Forum in stunning Vienna.  We have a fantastic lineup this year across three days of insight and peer-to-peer discussions. We’ll be keeping you up to speed as best we can with the live blog so keep an eye right here and…

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Shepherding Online Video Growth Through Updated Standards

Change is in the air. The industry standards that control how supply and demand sources connect are about to be updated.New versions of both VPAID and VAST will create more opportunities to deliver engaging advertising and ensure that online video gets more investment and continues to grow its share of…

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Custom Creative, RTB and the Future of Video

AdMonsters EU Editor Gautam Srivastava sat down Vindico's UK Country Manager James Grant to discuss the current state of the Video market - and the steps he feels need to be taken in order for it to reach the levels of Search and Display. Read it below.Vindico's strap is 'Making…

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Charting the World of Overlapping Video Standards

The first advertising standards, guidelines and best practices for digital video emerged four years ago, which seems like a short time in the grand scheme of history. But technology moves at an accelerated pace, and four years is enough to make anything outdated in the ad technology space. In fact,…

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