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Media Working: OPS NY 2013 Live Blog

We kick off today's OPS by celebrating five years of Rob Beeler as AdMonsters' content czar and chief emcee. Here's to five more, buddy!But onto the meat – Derek Metz of Acceleration details early results from our Publisher Maturity Index survey – it's not too late to add your insight…

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Top 10 Must-See Ad Week Sessions for Monsters

Aw damn – even AdMonsters is embracing the listicle. But we've got a good excuse: Advertising Week celebrates its 10th anniversary of unleashing the marketing hordes on the Big Apple. The official guide to Ad Week is 263 pages long (warning: it's full of ads) and the mobile app is…

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LIVE: Publisher Forum XXX: Boulder

AdMonsters is officially live from Boulder for Publisher Forum XXX. We'll be live blogging throughout the conference, bringing you a snippet of all the industry insight and discussion from mile-high Boulder. Stay tuned to this page throughout the week for the latest news and updates from AdMonsters' thirtieth Publisher Forum.…

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Video Ad Summit: Measurement’s Come Far, Still Must Travel

Calling 2013 a big inflection point for the space, Xaxis VP of Product Development Christina Beaumier proclaimed: “TV advertisers no longer think of digital video as a red-headed stepchild.”At VideoNuze’s Online Video Advertising Summit, participant after participant illustrated why these are digital video’s halcyon days – in particular, because of the…

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The New Age of Second Screen: Enabling Interaction

Second-screen and companion viewing isn’t a new phenomenon per se. Television viewers are quite accustomed to diverting their attention throughout broadcasts. And even before the proliferation of TV companion apps such as Zeebox, Viggle and GetGlue, viewers often Googled or Wikipedia-d content pertinent to what they were watching on screen.…

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A Cord-Cutter at the Newfronts

Written by AdMonsters' U.S. Editor Gavin Dunaway for The Makegood.Portrait of a cord cutter – you’re looking at it. Disturbing, a little serial killer-esque, I know.Five years ago, I moved to NYC from DC with a laptop and an iPod as my only media consumption devices. Eventually I got a…

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Monster In the Mirror: LiveRail’s RJ Payomo

Among the dry-erase boards filled with to-dos, dual monitors, family photos and a company plant nursed back to glorious health, LiveRail's RJ Payomo creates programmatic video gold. Balance between work and life is important to Payomo, who heads out at six most days. And, when it comes to workspaces, Payomo…

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2013: What Is in Store?

This summer I ran into a friend at a ho-hum conference in midtown – the energy in the room was markedly low, which at first I was willing to chalk up to summer sluggishness. However, as we were chatting, I realized it was something more – we both commented that…

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