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PubForum Profile: Zenith Optimedia’s Julian Zilberbrand

As we gear up for Publisher Forum Columbia Gorge, we shine the spotlight on a few seasoned PubForum regulars to get their takes on the changing dynamics of the industry. You can join the conversation at Publisher Forum. Register Now.There’s a reason why you’ve seen Julian Zilberbrand sounding off at…

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PubForum Profiles: Dennis Colon, Condé Nast

Thirteen years ago, Dennis Colon took a job at Conde Nast that no one else wanted. Now as Senior Director of Revenue and Advertising Operations, he’s a major force in the sweeping changes that have shook up the media giant’s revenue business in the last few years. In the video…

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PubForum Profiles: Kerel Cooper, Advance Digital

With 14 years in the digital media trenches, Kerel Cooper, Senior Director of Digital Ad Platform Strategies at Advance Digital, is a great resource for the whole AdMonsters community on a wealth of topics – most notably, audience extension. Not only has he witnessed ops’ transformation from cost center to…

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#OPSPOV: Video Beyond the Stream

Hark my words, publishers, and let them set you free: Pre-roll is not the be-all and end-all of digital video advertising. Sure, there’s post-roll and mid-roll, but let’s get past the rolls. In fact, let’s get past the video stream – in-stream video ad inventory is limited namely because premium video…

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How Video Becomes the Champion of Mobile Revenue

Like a leaky faucet drip-drip-dripping into a steel sink, mobile has long been that nagging concern keeping publishers up at night. The amount of inventory seems to multiply daily with little demand from buyers (especially when it comes buying guaranteed), so publishers are forced to turn to ad networks and…

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Publisher Forum New Orleans: Live Blog

The Crescent City welcomes AdMonsters with open arms as we kick off our 32nd Publisher Forum from the heart of New Orleans. The Krewes are in full gear as they roar down Canal St. and you can't turn a corner without hearing the electrifying sounds of Zydeco and Creole drum…

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The Best of AdMonsters 2013

If 2013 must be a "year of something," we probably should call it the year of mobile. According to estimates from eMarketer, U.S. mobile advertising spend more than doubled in 2013 to hit $9.6 billion compared to $4.36 billion in 2012. eMarketer estimates that near-stagnant desktop spend will actually decrease…

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VPAID Errors and Other Pitfalls of Programmatic Video

“What’s up with my fill rate? Why are the video ads loading so slow?”Those are the two questions publishers really don’t want to be asking themselves when it comes to digital video – especially if they’re dabbling in programmatic waters.High-value video inventory is the moneymaker of the moment for publishers…

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TV and Beyond: Recapping London Screens 2013

Image from a sponsored Industry Panel session at this year's London Screens.Last week I chaired my last AdMonsters conference for now. It was the conference looking at the second screen, omni-screen attribution, and the multi-channel aspect of advertising.Luckily, I had a second moderator too, so the day was a little…

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Will the Real Technologists Please Stand Up?

I recently participated in a panel at AdMonster’s OPS TV discussing the future of cross platform measurement with Nielsen, TubeMogul, and Magna Global. We covered a lot of ground during our conversation, from addressing how to get digital measurement out of the toddler years to the need for content becoming…

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