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Best of AdMonsters 2015

Looking back on what happened in digital media in 2015, it’s hard to summarize it, exactly. I keep thinking of something AdMonsters’ Publisher Rob Beeler said during our Publisher Forum in La Jolla last month: One of Rob’s old lines about the state of ad ops is, “Everything is status…

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QA in the Videoscape: Keeping Quality in Line with Demand

As demand among buyers for quality video inventory has risen, so have the channels for transacting on video--programmatic video, video private marketplaces, programmatic TV. At the same time, so have the platforms into which advertisers feel enthusiastic about buying video inventory, with in-demand media bursting into outstream, mobile and other…

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Broadcasting in a Programmatic World

The tangle of channels that makes up programmatic TV is drawing a lot of attention right now -- and generating a lot of confusion. Traditional TV broadcasters are entering the digital space rapidly, and they're influencing the way digital media is transacted and measured. Meanwhile, broadcasters find digital distribution channels…

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The Skinny on Programmatic TV

For a while the term programmatic TV has been getting a lot of lip service in industry trades and conferences, but it’s also caused a great deal of head scratching. Turns out, programmatic TV is one of those vague catch-alls the industry loves (remember programmatic premium?) that covers several sorta-related…

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Video Private Marketplaces Playbook

I feel like I've been eating, breathing and sleeping programmatic video over the past year. But have no complaints as this has to be one of the most exciting areas in advertising technology. Oh, you think I'm joking? Why don't you download our new playbook on private marketplaces and advanced…

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#OPSPOV: Flash in Freefall

Quick update: although Flash-based creatives are greyed out on Firefox, they are still registering as impressions. Also, some agencies are asking advertisers to disinclude Firefox browsers from their campaigns. According to NetMarketShare, Firefox has a12% share of desktop browsers.  Facebook head of security Alex Stamos grabbed a lot of attention this…

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