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Private Marketplaces

Shall We Kill All the Resellers?

A recently reported fraud leveraging Ads.txt isn't novel, but it highlights an issue with exchanges that’s been lurking on the edges of debate, while also raising serious questions about the future of auction-based programmatic.

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DFP 4EVR: Google Ad Manager Fallout

Back when Google announced that the melding of DFP and AdX was complete and Google Ad Manager (GAM to those who know it best... Well, really still DFP) was born, we were skeptical that a new monster had arrived on the publisher-side monetization scene. Well, from what we heard at…

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All Viewable, All the Time: AttentionX Marketplace

"We think that CPM-based buying leveraging optimization on attention metrics... can drive significant positive changes for the industry without requiring massive upheaval for buyers." 33Across CEO and Cofounder Eric Wheeler explains the features of the just-launched AttentionX exchange, an open programmatic marketplace where all inventory is viewable.

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Best Of AdMonsters 2017

Throughout 2017, the discussion on the AdMonsters site, at our events and on our listserv has spun off in countless directions. A person has to wonder: Was there ever a time when it seemed the industry focused on one or two issues at a time, or do we just have…

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What Is Programmatic Guaranteed?

Programmatic guaranteed deals have been in the air for a while now. But as we’ve seen at several AdMonsters events, when a session on programmatic opens up into the Q&A segment, there’s still a lot of confusion about what programmatic guaranteed means. The marketplace hasn’t made clarity on this terminology…

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Hey Digital Media Doomsayers—Did You Forget About Ad Fraud?

Repent, sinners, because the digital media apocalypse is now upon us. Even outside the trades, the news is awash in talks of corrections; discourses on the failure of advertising and why subscriptions are the only option; and pre-emptive surrenders of souls to the Duopoly. I hear bunker sales are through the roof…

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The Buy Side Gotta Check Itself

Last week a lot of my industry connections passed around the Buzzfeed story, “Attack of the Zombie Websites,” about a programmatic, bot-driven web of lies that may have shorted advertisers tens of millions of dollars. Although it was meticulously reported, I had a hard time reading the full article not…

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The Evolution of Programmatic Video Marketplaces: From Open to Private, Unreserved to Guaranteed

Since programmatic sales entered the video space a little over nine years ago, the market has continuously evolved. Originally, “programmatic” was all about the open marketplace, with scale and price efficiency the core focus.A few years later, we saw the introduction of private marketplaces—invite-only marketplaces where premium publishers offered their…

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Transparency Is a Team Sport

For years, we’ve joked that brands don’t care how the digital advertising sausage is made. Their modus operandi seemed along the lines of: Let the agencies and publishers deal with the frustrating minutiae involved in making digital media transactions work.Funny how quickly things change. As increased spend hits digital channels…

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