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Surviving in a Complicated Digital Media and Ad Tech Ecosystem

Digital media and advertising is rapidly changing. To survive in this increasingly complicated environment, publishers and advertisers need innovative strategies and technologies to increase their efficiency (and keep revenues afloat) as they look to continue connecting with audiences and also proving the value of those relationships.

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Tubi Becomes First CTV Pub to Implement UID 2.0

The Google third-party cookie crackdown might be on pause, but that's not stopping pubs from testing likely alternatives. Fox Entertainment owned, ad-supported video-on-demand service, Tubi now joins a growing list of publishers supporting Unified ID 2.0 as “the first CTV publisher to implement Unified ID 2.0 to solve for the…

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Crumbling Cookies and a Rotten Apple: A Rock and a Hard Place for Pubs

By now, you know that the Chrome third-party cookiepocalypse is staved off for at least another year.  The reasons are many …. CafeMedia’s Paul Bannister outlines how difficult it’s been to get the user-tracking alternatives off the ground.  Meanwhile, Mike Juang at Ad Age posits that buy-side pressure spurred the delay. …

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Go Big or Go Home: Sports Media Companies Cash In

Maybe it’s the “larger than life”-sized player personalities. Maybe it’s the rabid, easy-to-amass audience segments. Or maybe it’s some marvelous combination of the two — but sports media brands are cashing up and turning pandemic-driven shifts in content consumption into new pathways for revenue generation.

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Cleaning Up the Programmatic Supply Chain 

The advertising ecosystem has a huge opportunity to create a more transparent programmatic supply chain, where SSPs, brands, ad tech vendors, and agencies alike can commit to using new tools and tactics to improve how they work with publishers. By enhancing the control and transparency in the programmatic supply chain, we will ultimately…

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Can Amazon PWN the Cookieless Ad Market?

Move over Big G and Facebook … a little company (well, maybe not so little) called Amazon is nipping at your heels when it comes to digital ad sales. Amazon’s ad business raked in over $15.7 billion in 2020, according to new data from eMarketer. That’s up 53% year-over-year —…

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Audio Is Booming, But Can We Keep It Fraud-Free?

We've been wondering if this rush of ad dollars coming into the audio pipeline and move to streamline the ad supply chain with programmatic is opening the door for fraud to invade the quickly growing podcast and audio advertising ecosystem. So, we turned to Ryan Adams, SVP of Partnerships at…

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