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Whose Data Is It Anyway? Buyers? Sellers? No, Theirs.

Moving forward, it may seem a no-brainer to pubs, that in this privacy-forward era, users should either subscribe or provide morsels of information in exchange for content that is meaningful and relevant to them (which would include advertising), but maybe there really is another way. And maybe that other way…

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Never Fear, IAB Seller-Defined Audiences Is Here

In the latest attempt at saving the day before the cookiepocalypse, please meet our potential super data hero — seller-defined audiences (SDA). This solution developed by the IAB Tech Lab is a proof of concept released last week as a result of Project Rearc launched two years ago. The SDA…

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The Best of AdMonsters 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the top trends that set the tone for digital media and ad tech throughout the year. From Chrome's on-again, off-again cookie cutoff to Apple's privacy updates to mass confusion surrounding developing solid first-party data and identity strategies to the…

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Is It Time for Pubs to Take Shoppable Content Seriously?

Everyone loves a good proof of concept before pouring hundreds of thousands, or millions, into an idea. Shoppable content is one such idea, and it’s a lucrative, proven, revenue model. When activations like shoppable content are woven through editorial content, the line is blurred between where editorial reporting stops and…

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What We Learned From the FLoC Origin Trial

Despite the FLoC origin trial limitations, we learned a fair amount about how FLoC might work in the future such as how many cohorts there might be (34 Thousand), how many users would be in a Cohort (at least 2K Synced users), and how often the Cohort is calculated (every…

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