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The Value of Talking About the Value of Consumer Data

From the concept of "financial incentives" in the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) to Andrew Yang’s Data Dividend Project, there has been an increased call for companies to compensate consumers for their data. Privacy expert Jessica B. Lee looks at the push for valuing consumer data, the risks of the…

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IPONWEB on the State of Programmatic

We had a chat with IPONWEB's Publisher Product Lead Wenda Zhou to talk about the current state of programmatic, from header optimization tricks for pubs during the downturn to the effects of de-duping auctions, traffic shaping and SPO.

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Is W3C Listening to Smaller Companies?

We heard about a letter sent to the W3C Advisory Board, signed by 19 W3C members asking for an intervention because they felt that the voices of members from smaller organizations were not being recognized or taken seriously. The top name on this letter was James Rosewell, CEO and Co-Founder…

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Balancing Ad Ops in Unstable Times

Current conditions are presenting publishers with a unique conundrum. There are huge traffic spikes offering an opportunity to super-size digital media monetization. But to harness it, they must first tackle the COVID-19 disruption to advertising budgets and their internal resources. We spoke with Ivan Ivanov, COO, PubGalaxy, about what publishers…

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Sellers Need Buy-Side Transparency

Transparency concerns have long plagued open advertising markets, scaring away participants on the buy and sell-side of open real-time bidding advertising transactions. The buy-side has ads.txt and sellers.json. Unfortunately, sell-side participants—publishers—often have difficulty obtaining basic levels of transparency in reverse when using header bidding tools to extend demand.

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The Facebook Ad Boycott Could Be Magic for Publishers

The #StopHateForProfit Facebook advertising boycott, launched against the social media giant for continuously allowing hate speech and misinformation to exist on its platform, is steadily growing steam. Could this create an opportunity for publishers as brands seek to reallocate their ad spend? Folio Senior Editor, Greg Dool,  weighs in.

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