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How AAA Uses Content to Attract Younger Members

After 118 years, the AAA brand has come to mean reliability and responsiveness. It continues to increase its membership and other powerful brands seek to align with AAA to gain from the glow of this trusted American institution. But the changing culture, habits, and behaviors of younger Americans prompted AAA…

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Media Investment: A Different Approach to Buying and Selling

Editorial Director, Gavin Dunaway spoke with Evergreen Trading’s Chief Operating Officer, Mark Ordover, to gain a deeper understanding of the role Evergreen Trading plays as a media investment agency within the buy-sell relationship between marketers and media companies, as well as how they can help publishers losing spend to the…

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So, an Academic Walks Into a W3C Meeting…

Senior Editor, Lynne d Johnson, recently chatted with Garrett Johnson—a marketing professor at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. His research focuses on privacy, the value of cookies, and the effectiveness of advertising. She was interested in a presentation he made to the W3C about the Economics of Digital Ad…

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LiveRamp and TTD’s ID Hook Up

Last week, LiveRamp announced that its Authenticated Identity Infrastructure would support The Trade Desk’s Unified ID 2.0 (now without third-party cookies!). The biggest concern about whether identity-based universal IDs—like LiveRamp’s and TTD’s Unified ID 2.0—can be successful (and potentially save the open programmatic ecosystem from being dominated by walled gardens) is…

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