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Header Bidding

Best Of AdMonsters 2017

Throughout 2017, the discussion on the AdMonsters site, at our events and on our listserv has spun off in countless directions. A person has to wonder: Was there ever a time when it seemed the industry focused on one or two issues at a time, or do we just have…

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Slides of Our Lives: Take Action on Supply Path Optimization

Supply path optimization is having its moment, as fashionable industry jargon goes, but there's really important substance behind the hype. In short: DSPs and agencies are adopting new strategies for optimizing their supply paths because header bidding has massively increased the queries they have to process, which puts strain on…

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The Buy Side Gotta Check Itself

Last week a lot of my industry connections passed around the Buzzfeed story, “Attack of the Zombie Websites,” about a programmatic, bot-driven web of lies that may have shorted advertisers tens of millions of dollars. Although it was meticulously reported, I had a hard time reading the full article not…

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What Is Prebid.org?

Prebid.org has already been the central URL for the Prebid suite of open-source header bidding products and projects. As of Sept. 11, 2017, Prebid.org is also the name of the neutral industry organization that will offer guidelines and development support for Prebid products. AppNexus and Rubicon Project have publicly led…

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Invasion of the First-Price Auctions

With all the hubbub about first-price auctions taking over the real-time bidding ecosystem, I don’t think there’s been enough talk about why the second-price auction is currently the standard bearer. That’s why I was exhilarated when Univision’s Eyal Ebel brought the point up at our recent Meetup on the current…

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What Is EBDA?

Exchange Bidding in Dynamic Allocation is, in a nutshell, Google’s answer to header bidding. It’s a server-side solution where exchanges and SSPs can bid on publisher inventory along with Google’s AdX in a unified auction. Now, to understand why that matters, we’re going to have to walk back a few…

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AdMonsters Playbook: Header Bidding

There are few topics getting digital publishers chattering right now quite like header bidding. In a marketplace where many publishers long perceived buyers as having the upper hand, header bidding pits demand sources against each other, giving publishers a clearer idea of the true value of their inventory and how…

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8 Mammoth Takeaways From Programmania

“Digital Is Dead” read the first slide of Larry Allen’s keynote for Programmania on June 5, 2017. I don’t know if it elicited the gasps Larry was hoping for, but I could detect a certain sense of puzzlement flowing throughout the room of 200-plus programmatic specialists. Wait—isn’t this supposed to be…

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