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Advertising Industry Learning and Professional Development

Webinar Replay: The Login Play

Privacy regulations; the crumbling third-party cookie; a general need to diversify revenue streams. These are just some of the factors driving publishers to better—and directly—engage with consumers. And a key tool helping publishers connect is an old favorite—logins. But although they may seem straightforward, logins and the strategies around them…

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First-Party Data Transformation: Driving Cultural Change

As damaging as COVID-19 has been to publishers’ revenues, it has presented them with an opportunity to rethink their business models with a focus on building their first-party data strategies. Publishers are finding themselves in a new world that’s been accelerated by the pandemic, as well as privacy regulations granting…

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The Next Phase of Consent

In a privacy-forward world, where regulations like GDPR and CCPA have made data collection more complex, publishers are actually thinking beyond regulatory compliance and moving to the next chapter of consumer consent—demonstrating the value exchange.

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The State of DOOH in Coronavirus Times

On the eve of DPAA's 2020 Video Every Summit, senior editor, Lynne d Johnson, spoke with the organization's president and CEO, Barry Frey, about the role DOOH played during the early days of the pandemic and how advancements in data and technology are positioning the industry to reap its just…

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Hello First-Party Data Strategy

In a recent AdMonsters Webinar with Permutive, Goodbye Cookie, Hello New Data Strategy, Nathan Bell, SVP, Data and Business Analytics and Rachael McCombs, Sr. Director of Ad and Media Operations shared why Digital Trends decided to work with Permutive and how it is developing its first-party data strategy.

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Actionable Audience Data and Inventory—No Cookies Required

We spoke with Jake Abraham, President at Audigent about why he thought pubs seemed a little gun shy about identity solutions, how they should go about showcasing their first-party data as well as how Audigent plans to help them drive revenue by making their audience data and inventory actionable for…

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Walter Geer Photo

PFV Video: Keynote Geer Dishes on Pub-Creative Team-Ups

Walt Geer, Executive Creative Director for Experience Design at VMLY&R, kicked off our inaugural Publisher Forum Virtual on Aug. 25, 2020, with an electrifying keynote the reverberated throughout the rest of the conference. In dissecting the current (sad) state of digital creative and showcasing numerous innovative campaigns, he made a…

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