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Your Email Strategy May Blow Up Sooner Than You Think

Does an email still count as first-party data if you never know who the email belongs to, or whether it belongs to anyone at all? And what happens as email obfuscation becomes an “enabled by default” feature of consumer devices and web browsers? Just when everyone thought email might be…

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Sales and Ad Ops Best Practices for Collaboration

What’s the best way for publishers to attract advertisers to their properties? Enable their sales teams to tell compelling stories about their audiences and why they would be receptive to the potential advertiser’s products and services. But storytelling requires data. The trick is to foster better collaboration between Ad Ops…

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ICYMI: 10 Advertising & Ad Tech Highlights From Cannes

Cannes Lions International Festival is the most extensive professional gathering for the creative marketing community. For ad tech, there has been many exciting and impactful discoveries. From talks surrounding Google and Netflix to the yachts, which were back in full force this year like they never left, the festival is undoubtedly…

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The Rise of Publisher Data and Its Potential for Tighter Collaboration Between Brands, Agencies, and Publishers

With third-party cookie deprecation quickly becoming a reality, publishers are examining the data they have within their walls and realizing that they have unique and valuable assets to bring to the table. Their data will give rise to new opportunities for brands, agencies, and publishers to collaborate earlier on in…

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Whose Data Is It Anyway? Buyers? Sellers? No, Theirs.

Moving forward, it may seem a no-brainer to pubs, that in this privacy-forward era, users should either subscribe or provide morsels of information in exchange for content that is meaningful and relevant to them (which would include advertising), but maybe there really is another way. And maybe that other way…

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