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Advertising’s Future Is Advertising Futures

Early on in my tenure reporting on the digital advertising space, I was fascinated by the concept of audience futures—enabling publishers to guarantee sales of audience segments that could be transacted programmatically. This seemed to be an evolution of both digital direct guaranteed sales and TV-buying, but unfortunately the market hasn't…

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Yes, Virginia: Blockchain Can Scale

I'm used to the eye rolls whenever I ask ad tech veterans their feelings on the potential of blockchain. I'll be the first to admit the term is sullied following an audacious hype cycle (even for ad tech!) and some scam-tastic initial coin offerings (ICOs). But the technology does seem…

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These 5 Data Trends Will Totally Reshape Ad Operations

Privacy regulations, cookieless web, identity resolution, the value of first-party data, better personalization—are just some of the many data trends shaping publishers' strategies today. The road ahead is being paved as much by user and governmental concerns as it is by the duopoly and other significant players in the ad…

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Will Blockchain Solution Providers Tame the Cannes Lion?

The road to Cannes is paved with many changes this year. You can certainly expect to see and hear a fair amount from companies developing next-generation media, marketing, and advertising solutions underpinned with blockchain and cryptography. Solutions are scaling; we are past the point of test and learn. Another change…

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Back to Advertising Basics with Web3 Powered by Blockchain

The explosion in the blockchain-based marketing landscape over the past 18 months has brought an interesting dynamic to the already complex world of digital advertising. There has been a lot of hype, a lot of hot air, a lot of learning, and a few solutions showing early promise around this…

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Remember the Times: AdMonsters Top 10 Stories of 2018

For digital media and advertising 2018 has been a really exciting, but often bumpy, roller coaster ride. As far as ad operations is concerned, blockchain, artificial intelligence, location services, and mobile-first everything are offering promising monetization alternatives and other opportunities that bring publishers and brands closer to audiences in more…

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